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You're running through the halls of the mansion, trying to make it to your room before you make your escape. You know this place like the back of your hand. It's white walls and wooden doors all would look the same to anyone else, but being born here has its perks.

At this moment you are running from your parents and the members of the gang they sent after you. Your parents had the audacity to arrange a marriage with Tooru Oikawa, the leader of the Aoba Johsai gang. There was no way in hell you were going to marry his ass, so you ran as quick as possible, knocking out those in your way.

After making it to your room you quickly grabbed a bag from under your bed and throw random clothes in it. You put your combat boots on and a black leather jacket as you grabbed all of your stuff, leaving your phone behind to not be tracked.

As you heard footsteps headed towards your bedroom, you quickly unlocked your window. You opened it and clung onto the vines beside it that you've climbed down multiple times when you wanted to just have a breather or a one night stand.

You quickly climb down the vines and jump behind a bush. After kneeling down, you start crawling away from the mansion you've called home for years.

After making it out from behind the bushes you throw the bag over your shoulder and start running. You have no idea where you are going, but you know you are not marrying that bitch.

Yes, you find Tooru quite hot, but he's a whore who plays with others feeling because he doesn't understand his own enough.

Plus you're pretty sure he actually has a crush on Hajime, aka his best friend. You've figured out that he uses all the whores he plays with and fucks as a distraction from his love for Hajime.

You do wonder why the bitch decided on agreeing to an arranged marriage with you. It pisses you off so much.

You may not become the next leader of the gang because your brother is the heir, but that does not mean you have to marry another leader. It's not something you care about and it's complete bullshit.

You do not want love right now because the last few times, they decided to be little bitches and use you for your kickass body.

As you are running, you can hear them behind you. You quickly duck into an alley and hide beside some trashcans, peeking out to see them pass by.

As you go to leave the alley someone grabs hold of your waist, pulling you into them. You whip around and knee them in the gut before backing away. Realizing you are outnumbered, you look around for any type of weapon to fight them off with.

Before you are able to grab anything, two of the men grab your arms and hold them behind your back. "We're going to have fun with you bitch," he says to you with a smirk on his face.

You thrash around in his hold but is unable to break his grip. You decide to do the next best thing, which is to scream for help.

"HELP! HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" you scream out as loud as possible. One of the men leans in front of you and tries to cover your mouth but you kick him in his balls, causing him to crouch down in pain.

You continue screaming as they try pulling you farther into the alley, your thrashing around not helping.

A few people passing by hear your screams and run into the alley. Pulling out their guns, they shoot each one in the head.

"Move your head to the right pretty lady," one yells to you. You do as they say and hear another gunshot go off. You feel relief as the man who was holding onto you let go of your wrists and falls lifelessly to the ground.

Rubbing your wrists, you mumble, "Drunk bastard had good grip too." You kick his limp body and turn towards the men who saved you.

There are four guys standing in front of you, each putting their guns back in their pockets. It's a little too dark for you to see what they look like, but you can tell they are buff.

You walk towards them with a smile on your face, "Thank you for the help. That asshole had a tight grip." Standing in the light, you can see their features better.

One with black messy hair speaks first, "You're welcome pretty lady. Usually, when we kill people, the other person would freak out though."

You shrug your shoulders, "Nothing I haven't seen before... Were leaving the bodies though, right? I don't feel like having to deal with them tonight."

The one with the messy spikes looks over at one of the other guys who has tall spiky white hair, with either dirt or some kind of streaks in it, it kind of looks owl-like. They raise an eyebrow at each other as if they are talking in some secret language and nod. "Our men will deal with him. You on the other hand should come with us, we need to make sure you won't tell a soul."

"Whatever you say bed head. I have nothing better to do anyway," you tell him. He feels the top of his head with a strange look on his face.

"You are just going to follow us without hesitation?" he asks, suspicious of the fact that you'd follow them so easily.

You nod your head, "Yeah. I literally just ran away from home, so I have nothing better to do. If you guys wanted to hurt me then you would have shot me already, so can we get this show on the road, or are we going to stand here all day."

His jaw drops momentarily but he closes it as fast as it opened.

The owl-like haired guy says, "That was easy. Let's go then. Kenma and Keiji get to keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't run!!"

You raise an eyebrow and figure the two guys who hadn't spoken yet was Kenma and Keiji since they both nodded at him.

"So, can I learn your names at least? I mean it's fun making up stupid nicknames for you all but real names work too. Mine is y/n by the way!" you say with a smile on your face.

The one with messy hair says, "I'm Tetsuro." He points at the smaller one with hair that looks like pudding, "And this is Kenma."

Kenma just looks at you and nods before looking back at the dead guys again. "Ooh, okay." You turn towards the other two men, "And you guys?"

The one with the owl-like hair speaks up, "I'm Kotaro!" He then points to the other guy with blue eyes almost as dark as the night sky, "And that's Keiji."

"Ooh, okay. That makes my life a lot easier," you say in a cheery voice. "So... Where are we going exactly?"

Tetsuro responds with, "You'll see."

"Ooh, mysterious. I like it! Let's go boys!"

Tetsuro and Kotaro look at each other and shrug as they start walking. You skip along behind them as Kenma and Keiji walk behind you to make sure you are following and not running off.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

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