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Lev survived the gunshot wound. It turns out that the bullet missed his heart by a little over an inch, but he will still have some long term effects after healing. Everyone is happy that he will survive though.

Tetsuro has been stressing about how to deal with Inarizaki. There is a chance that Shinsuke died from his injury so it would be easier to wipe them all out if necessary. Kenma has been working up a plan with him, leaving less time with you and Ishii lately.

It makes you sad that he's always having to plan stuff out and not able to spend time with you and Ishii, but this is what his life is and you can't change that.

As Ishii reaches four and a half months and Kenma barely comes to the bedroom at night, you decide to do something about it. You pick Ishii up from the crib, her making cute baby sounds as you do. You giggle and say, "Wanna go see daddy?"

She makes random noises and you start walking downstairs and to Kenma's office. You knock on the door two times before opening it. Tetsuro is asleep at his desk with his head in his arms and Kenma is standing up, writing on a whiteboard at the side of the room.

You quietly close the door to hopefully not wake Tetsuro and walk over to Kenma. As his back is turned towards you, you set your chin over his shoulder and say quietly, "You should come to bed baby."

"I'm almost done... Just give me five more minutes," he replies. Kenma has been working on plans to infiltrate Inarizaki for a few weeks. He's created multiple plans and each of the others wouldn't have worked but this one he has strong hopes for.

You sigh, knowing that he won't let up on it. "Only five more... After that, we are going upstairs. Ishii misses you and so do I."

Kenma knows he hasn't been there for the two of you as he had before Lev was injured. He plans on going back to being how he was after this is completed, wanting to be there for the both of you. "Okay." He turns his head and kisses you on the forehead before going back to writing on the board.

You sit down at his desk and Ishii does random things to your hand as you wait. You glance at the stuff on his desk and realize how trashed everything is. There are balled up papers everywhere, his trash can is filled up with granola bar wrappers and trashed papers, there are a few old water bottles sitting on the edge, his files are messed up and pens are lying everywhere.

Tetsuro's desk is also messy with things sprawled out everywhere. You stand up and set Ishii in the chair, making sure she can't fall off. Turning back to Kenma's desk, you start sorting the files real quick. You grab the filled up trash bag out of the can and put another one in it, filling it halfway up by the time you are done cleaning.

By the time five minutes have gone by, his desk is cleaned and a part of Tetsuro's is too. It was harder to get anything done to his desk since he's asleep and you didn't want to wake him.

Once you've realized the five minutes is over, you pick Ishii up and hold her on your hip. You go over to Kenma and say, "Let's go to bed now. You can finish this tomorrow, okay?"

Kenma doesn't respond at first as he looks over everything he has written down so far. Eventually, as he sets down the marker, with a sigh he says, "Okay. Let's go." He wants to get this plan finished, but he also doesn't want to lose either of you because he decides to put work over family.

Knowing that he will want to carry Ishii, you hand her over to him and he smiles as he holds her against his chest. Kenma's missed the feeling of holding his child throughout the day, but as soon as this plan is finished and carried out he can hold her whenever he wants.

The Brain of the Gang [Kenma Kozume  x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now