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You've made it to thirteen weeks of pregnancy. Your baby bump has started to show some more and Kenma finds it "cute" as he says. Hearing the word cute come out of Kenma's mouth for the first time was surprising for both you and him. Immediately after he had said it, his face flushed a shade of red and he ran off somewhere.

Most days you spend your time outside in the garden. Part of it's because Kenma changed training to once a week to not strain your body. The other part is because you like the fresh smell of the flowers. They make you feel relaxed and better about everything that is going on.

The good thing about where you live is it doesn't get too cold during the winter, so the flowers stay blooming. Two weeks ago, you finally got a phone. Of course, you added your brother's number with the permission of Tetsuro and you text each other and call occasionally.

You keep him updated with how things are going and he keeps you updated on how your parents are doing things. Right now your father is doing everything in his power to find you as he wants the arranged marriage to happen. Sucks for him since you already got pregnant by someone else and you don't ever plan on being with Tooru.

March is coming up soon and you can't wait for your brother to take over. He's already confirmed he plans on changing so much of how the gang works. No more killing just because people steal, no more selling and trading drugs, no more of a lot of things. He just wants the gang to keep the town safe rather than scaring everyone around them. He also plans on meeting up with other gangs and creating alliances.

Right now you are laying on the bed watching Kenma game again. He's talking to a few friends of his as they kill other players, trying to win the game. So far you've heard a few names come out of his mouth while playing. You've heard Shoyo, Tobio, Hajime, and Tooru. Sometimes you'll hear Tetsuro's, Keiji's, and Kotaro's but that's not often.

You've thought about asking to play with him, but you are pretty sure the Tooru he plays with is the Leader of Aoba Johsai and you would rather he not recognize your voice and tell your parents.

From what you do know, Kenma told you Shoyo and Tobio are a part of Karasuno, which is another gang closer to Aomori.

As you are watching Kenma play, he glances at you here and there. He can tell you want to play and was going to wait until you asked to let you, but you never end up saying anything. He usually would let nobody touch his games and I mean NOBODY, but he's decided you are an exception. Especially since you share the bedroom anyway.

"Hey guys, give me a minute. I'm adding someone else to the party," Kenma says through the mic.

"Okay!" they all reply as he goes on mute.

Kenma grabs another controller and hands it to you. "Here."

You look at it with your eyebrows raised in surprise and ask, "You want me to play?"

"Mhm. You are always watching, but you never ask to play," he explains.

"Oh... I see," you say. "I didn't know how to play at first but after watching you so much I should understand. The one named Tooru you play with, I'm pretty sure he's the Tooru my parents are trying to make me marry," you explain as you grab the controller out of his hand.

Kenma thinks for a second. "He shouldn't be able to recognize your voice and if he does just tell him he has the wrong person. If he asks who you are I'll just tell him you're my girlfriend."



You are stupidly blushing right now even though you know it's just an excuse type thing. You slap your cheeks to knock yourself out of it. Kenma hands you another mic and you put it on as he unmutes the two of you.

The Brain of the Gang [Kenma Kozume  x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now