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When making it back to the mansion the next morning, not thinking anyone is yet awake. You and Kenma sneak upstairs and to your bedroom to find Kotaro fast asleep in a chair beside the crib, Ishii's hand wrapped around one of his fingers.

You take a picture of the cute scene and send it to his boyfriends. Kenma watches with amusement as you send it and get a reply right away.

Minutes later both boys are quietly entering your bedroom to see the sight. Tetsuro holds back fanboy squeals as Keiji takes another picture for safekeeping. You carefully unwrap Ishii's hand from Kotaro's finger. Since Kotaro is a heavy sleeper, Tetsuro will be able to carry him to their room without waking him up.

Keiji helps Tetsuro get Kotaro onto his back and they leave your room, planning on bothering you about stuff later in the day. You giggle after they've left and say, "That was cute."

Kenma hums in agreement before tackling you to the bed. You giggle as he nuzzles his face into your breasts once again. "What's with you and boobs?" you ask him.

Kenma looks up at you and says, "They are soft, comfy and bouncy. Plus they are yours, so I like them." He then puts his face back where it was as you giggle at his answer.

"Is your back okay?" you ask, remembering the last time you scratched the hell out of his back.

Kenma lifts his shirt up and you are now able to see red scratch marks once again. "Oops... that's partially your fault. Whatever I'll just put cream on it for you again." Kenma just gives you a thumbs-up as he pulls his shirt back down.

You play with his hair and say softly, "We can't stay like this too long. We've got to take care of Ishii soon." You can hear him sigh at your words and you giggle at him again. The two of you stay like that for a little bit before getting up to take care of Ishii.

Ishii hasn't been one to be too noisy which both of you have noticed. It's been confirmed that that part of her takes after Kenma since, between the two of you, he is the quieter one, not wanting to stand out a whole lot. You just don't really care what people think about you along with being honest about your opinions.

Her eyes are e/c like yours and the little hairs growing from her head are black like Kenma's. Her face takes after you more than Kenma, but her quiet-like personality so far is more like Kenma's. It's only been three months since she was born so she's got a long way to go in life.

After changing and getting Ishii bathed, dressed and fed, you go downstairs where most of the gang is hanging out and talking. You sit on the couch, Ishii in Kenma's lap as you go grab something for you and Kenma to eat.

Kotaro is sitting at the counter eating as you enter the kitchen. "Hey Kotaro!"

"Hey hey hey!"

You giggle as you grab something from the fridge and turn to him. "Where's Tetsuro, Keiji, Lev and Morisuke?" you ask since you didn't see them in the other room.

He shrugs, "I didn't see them when I woke up this morning so I don't know. They probably went out on a mission or something."

"Oh, okay. I'm headed back to the living room," you say with a smile. He takes another bite of food and gives you a thumbs up before you walk out of the room.

You sit down on the couch with grapes in a bowl. Kenma is still holding onto Ishii so you end up popping some grapes into his mouth.

About twenty minutes later, you can hear the sound of the front door opening. "SO! AKINORI! WE NEED YOU NOW!" Tetsuro yells from the front door. Akinori and So jump up from their seats and rush to the front doors, along with more members of the gang.

The Brain of the Gang [Kenma Kozume  x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now