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Over the next week, Kenma struggled over trying to figure out who those kids were in that image and why it bugged him so much. They remind him of something but he is unsure of what it is.

Kenma had thought about asking you directly about it but he dislikes the thought of talking to you without absolutely having to do it. Tetsuro is the only one to have noticed that Kenma was acting strange.

"Kenma! What's up with you? You seem distracted lately," Tetsuro says, nudging Kenma with his shoulder.

Without looking away from his game, Kenma says, "Nothing."

Tetsuro rolls his eyes, "Liar. You've been distracted lately."

"I'm fine Kuro," Kenma says rather harshly. He wants Tetsuro to back down and stop asking questions, but Tetsuro knows not to back down. Instead, he decides to continue pushing.

"Come on Kenma, I've known you since you were like seven years old. What has you so distracted?"

Annoyed, Kenma pauses his game and sets his controller down. He turns and glares at the older male, "Why does it matter? Let me play my games."

"No," Tetsuro says, glaring right back at him. "Talk to me Kenma."

Kenma mutters angry words at quiet enough to where the other couldn't hear him. Although Tetsuro is amused, he still wants to know what has his friend so distracted. He continues to stare, hoping to cause Kenma some discomfort.

Eventually, Kenma realizes that Tetsuro won't give up on bothering him and flops backward onto the bed. "I saw a picture and it bothers me for some reason but I don't know why."

Tetsuro raises an eyebrow, "What was in the picture?"

"A young girl and slightly older boy." He furrows his eyebrows and adds, "I don't know why the image bothers me so much, but it's as if I've seen the people in the picture before."

"Where did you see the picture?" Tetsuro is concerned for his friend. There is one something from when both of them were younger that could explain this, but he would have to see the picture himself to be sure.

Kenma bites his bottom lip as he thinks about whether he should actually say it or not.


Kenma sighs, "The day of hide n seek when I carried y/n to her room." He pauses for a moment before continuing. "The picture was laying on the ground when I was walking out of her room."

"Why not ask her about it then?"

Kenma sits up and turns to look at Tetsuro. "You already know I only associate with her if I absolutely have to."

Tetsuro rolls his eyes, "You do know she couldn't have been any older than five or six at the time, right? Blaming her parents for everything I understand but she was too young to know anything at the time."


"Look Kenma, just talk to her. She probably knows who the person in the image is... Wait.."

Kenma tilts his head as he waits for the rest of his sentence. "What is it?"

Tetsuro brings his hand to his face as he thinks. He hesitates and slightly stutters as he asks, "D-do you remember how you got out that night Kenma?"

"Mmm... I'm not sure. I just remember running down a long dark hallway with white walls everywhere. It was as if I was trapped but that's honestly all I remember about trying to get out," Kenma replies.

The Brain of the Gang [Kenma Kozume  x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now