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Momentarily, you are hiding in someone's closet. Do you know who's? No. You literally just ran as soon as Taketora started counting. Are you just a mansion full of adults running around and playing hide n seek? Yes, yes you are.

About an hour and a half earlier, everyone in the mansion decided that hide n seek would be a fun thing to do. You had won the first round, not being found for over an hour. Everyone had given up on trying to find you when they realized they looked everywhere.

Right now you are on round two and Taketora is the starting seeker since he was the first found last round. As soon as he had started counting, you ran. Everyone looked at you like you were crazy, but you are a very competitive person when it comes to games.

Once in a while, you will be a sore loser but usually, you are pretty happy with either outcome.

You are in the closet and hiding behind the clothes. They are hanging on things, but aren't too high up so it's easy to hide in. Just as you've stopped moving, you hear someone enter the closet.

You know that it hasn't been long enough for Taketora to be seeking yet because you haven't even heard him yell "Ready or not here I come."

You thought the person would leave, but their footsteps get closer. That's when the clothes in front of you move and you are face to face with a pudding-head. He goes to turn away and find somewhere else, but you hear Taketora yell that he's coming.

Quickly grabbing Kenma's wrist, you pull him to the spot beside you. "What are you doing idiot?"

You put a finger over your lips and whisper, "Shh. If you leave you're going to just get caught. Just stay here."

"I would rather get caught than stay here with you," he states.

You roll your eyes, "Stop being so difficult. I know you are competitive and so am I. Plus if you get caught, you'd already know where I am and I can't have that."

Kenma knows your right and gives in. "Whatever."

You quickly fix the clothes in front of the both of you, making sure there is no sign of anyone being here. "Okay, we shouldn't be found. If someone comes in just don't move at all," you whisper as you curl back up into your corner.

You don't know how long this round will take since the last time they had given up but with two of you here, it's a risky spot. You sit in silence, neither of you wanting to be caught as you wait. Kenma is scrolling through his phone with the brightness low, feeling awkward with the situation.

Both of you hear someone enter the closet, Kenma quickly turning off his phone and shoving it in his pocket. You can hear the person moving the clothes on the opposite side and pull Kenma closer to you, helping him not to get caught.

Kenma almost says something about the action until he realizes what you're doing. As soon as he realizes, he moves closer himself, practically laying his body on yours. You want to laugh, but know if you do you're both caught.

Kenma's breath hitches as he sees the movement of the clothes where he was at, hoping they won't move their hand any closer.

As the hand moves towards Kenma, you pull him completely on you. The hand stops and leaves the spot before you both hear the person walking away and out of the closet.

You both let out a breath of relief and you lean your head back against the wall. Kenma realizes he's still on top of you and his breath hitches. You move your head to look back at him and both of your faces are really close to each other.

The Brain of the Gang [Kenma Kozume  x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now