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Once you are both out of the limo, you realize you are at a restaurant. Kenma loops his arm around yours with a soft smile before walking towards the front doors. As Kenma goes to open the door for you, there are two waiters who open the door instead, allowing you to walk inside.

Another waiter directs you to a table of two, a candle in the middle of it. As you had walked through the restaurant you realize that you are the only ones there other than the staff members who work there.

Kenma pulls your seat out for you and you sit down with a thank you. He sits down in his seat and the waiter asks what drinks you want.

After the waiter has left with your orders, Kenma says, "It looks like Kuro planned a lot more than we thought."

"Yeah. I wonder if this is the final thing," you reply

"Me too. It's almost as if we are on a date." You both realize what he said and blush.

"I-is it a date?" you ask, your voice barely audible.

Although you spoke quietly, Kenma was able to hear your voice. He nervously clears his throat. "Do you want it to be a date..?"Kenma asked the question, his voice and expression serious.

"Yea... If you are fine with it," you answer.

Kenma nods his head, "I'd like that actually." He smiles at you grabs your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours.

The waiter comes back not much later and you order your food. You make small talk for a while, smiling and laughing until your food arrives.

The way you guys look at each other and the way you make each other feel is something that a lot of people in the world wish they could have. Having a three-month-old daughter and living in the same bedroom makes your bond stronger than most people could have it. Even compared to actual couples, your bond is stronger. At this point, you know almost everything about each other and there's still a lot more to learn about one another.

Once your food arrives you start eating. Kenma's realized the blush on your face after you had started holding hands at the beginning and it hasn't left since. He'd never admit it, but Kenma loves that he can make you blush like that whether it's intentionally or unintentionally.

After you've both finished eating, you thank the staff and leave. You were going to pay but Tetsuro and Kotaro had already paid for literally everything.

When you get outside and notice the limo isn't there, you decide to take walk along the sidewalk hand in hand.

You breathe in a breath of the nice summer air as you walk and say, "I like this."

"Me too." Kenma glances down at you as you look ahead at the sun going down. "Beautiful," he thinks out loud.

Not realizing he's talking about you, you say, "It really is. I mean look at it." Kenma chuckles and you look up at him. "What's so funny pudding-head"

"I was calling you beautiful, not the sunset princess," he tells you with a smile.

You bite your lip and look and out in front of you. "Oh," is all you can think of to say. Kenma removes his hand from yours and wraps it around your shoulder, pulling you to his chest. You smile at the gesture and hold onto the arm that's wrapped around your shoulder.

As Kenma stops walking, he holds you back and you let out a squeak. Neither of you says anything as you stare at the sunset. After a few minutes, Kenma turns your body around to where you are facing him. "Well hello," you say with a giggle.

The Brain of the Gang [Kenma Kozume  x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now