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It's seven in the morning and you wake up to someone shaking you. You open your eyes and see that it's Kenma, his face serious. "W-whats going on Kenma?"

"Someone's infiltrated the mansion. Take this." He hands you a loaded gun and rushes you off the bed.

"Where was he last seen?"

"On the second floor. We need to watch each other's backs as we don't know if he's still on that floor. Kotaro and Tetsuro ordered for them to be shot on sight," Kenma replies as you hurry off the bed and quickly slide your boots on.

You look at kenma and nod your head, "Okay. Let's go."

You follow Kenma out of your room, both of you looking around with each step. You hear movement to your right and immediately point your gun that way, stopping your movement forward in the process.

Kenma notices you've stopped and turns around, "Psst. What are you doing??"

"I heard something this way," you reply as you quietly walk towards the sound.

Kenma follows you, both of you crouching down as you round the corner. You look around the corner and see a guy with ash blonde hair, his face covered by some kind of mask.

As you go to shoot, the man turns his head and sees you. He shoots you in the leg and you groan in pain as you fall to the ground, still trying to shoot at the man.

Kenma hurries and shoots the man's arm, rushing to you as he shoots the intruder again, but in the chest.

You've been shot before, so the pain isn't the worst you've felt but damn it hurts. Kenma checks to make sure you're okay before hurrying to the dead body. You can hear other gang members coming up the stairs and you scoot back to the wall as your leg just bleeds.

Kotaro turns the corner after walking up the stairs and runs over to you as he sees your bleeding leg. "What the fuck happened?" he asks you, tearing off a piece of his shirt to help stop the bleeding a little bit.

Your jaw is clenched as the pain from your leg increases by the second. Rather than trying to speak, you point towards Kenma and the dead body.

Kotaro looks and asks Kenma, "Is he dead?"

"Yeah. I got his heart," Kenma replies. He gets up and walks back towards you, "We need to get her to Akinori and So before she loses any more blood."

As Kenma starts picking you up into his arms, Tetsuro and Keiji are running your way. They start asking what happened but your brain goes kind of fuzzy from the blood loss.

You grab onto Kenma's shirt as you start seeing dots, your eyesight starting to deteriorate. You don't know who says it but you can hear someone yell, "Kenma we need to get her to the Medical office now!" Shortly after, you blackout with your head against Kenma's chest.

Kenma runs down the halls with you in his arms, glad you aren't that heavy. Keiji is close behind as he slams open the doors of the Medical office, setting you down on the operating table in the middle of the room.

Akinori nor So is in the room right now, so Keiji takes action on getting the bullet out and stopping the bleeding.

Kenma thinks about leaving the room but ends up staying in case you wake up, not knowing how much pain you'll be in. As they are both working on getting the bullet out of your leg, you start to wake up.

Keiji continues working on the bullet while Kenma hurries to you, making sure you don't move as you wake up. "Don't move. Keiji is getting the bullet out of your leg," Kenma tells you, his voice having a hint of emotion in it.

The Brain of the Gang [Kenma Kozume  x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now