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Three months after having Ishii and you feel a lot better. Kenma and you have been closer than even before she was born. Tetsuro of course has noticed and has decided this Friday is when he will set his plan into action.

First, he has to talk you two into letting him and his boyfriends into letting them babysit. This is something he is very sure will be a task and Keiji will have to take the lead on this part since Kenma sees him as the "responsible" one.

"So why are we doing this again?" Keiji asks Tetsuro.

Tetsuro turns to him, "Because they are always together and one-hundred-percent have feelings for one another but won't say anything to each other. Plus they have a daughter together which definitely strengthens their bond."

Keiji rolls his eyes at his boyfriend, "They will figure things out on their own. Why interfere?" He turns to walk back the other way but Tetsuro pulls him back. Tetsuro tries the puppy dog face which totally fails. "You know that doesn't work on me Tetsu."

Tetsuro leans forward and in a husky voice says, "What if I let you and Kotaro top me tonight?"


"As long as you can convince Kenma!"

Keiji sighs, "Fine. let's get this over with."

After Keiji trying for over an hour to convince Kenma to let the three men watch Ishii, Kenma finally gives in. You gave in pretty easily since you wanted a small break, but Kenma is attached like glue to her.

After leaving your room, Keiji glares at Tetsuro and says, "Tonight better be worth it. I have never had that much trouble to persuade him of anything."

"Guess you better make tonight worth it," Tetsuro replies with a smirk before walking off to text b/n about the first part of the plan being complete. Keiji just shakes his head at the man before going off to tell Kotaro the news about tonight.

As the next day comes up, Kenma grows worried about letting them watch Ishii. "Y/n I'm not sure about this."

You turn to him and set your hands on his shoulders, "Kenma. Ishii will be fine. You should trust them enough to babysit her." You know that Kenma is very overprotective of Ishii. He's also still overprotective of you, which you find quite weird since you aren't pregnant anymore but you haven't thought too much about it.

"I do but-"

You cut him off before he can try to give any reasonings. "But nothing. We need this break and you know it. It has been a tiring three months for both of us whether you'd like to admit it or not." You stare at each other for a few minutes, neither of you looking away.

Eventually, Kenma gives in and his eyes drop. "F-fine," he says with a sigh. "What are we going to do anyway?"

"Apparently Tetsuro set something up for us."

"That kind of scares me."

You shrug, "Whatever it is can't be too bad."

Kenma sighs and grabs Ishii from the crib, playing with her tiny hands as he lays her down in front of him on the bed. "I guess"

After getting dressed and putting some clothes on Ishii, you head downstairs. Kenma is carrying her in his arms, still very hesitant about leaving her with the three. After taking ten minutes to get Kenma to hand her over, you dragged him out of the mansion and out to the front of the mansion where a limo is waiting for you. "Wow..."

The Brain of the Gang [Kenma Kozume  x Reader]✔️Where stories live. Discover now