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"Oh my god! It's so adorable!!!" You squeal as you look at the little cat plushie.

Tetsuro had given you a couple hundred dollar bills to spend at the mall. You were surprised that he gave you that much but took it without question. He'd made sure to send Keiji with you as you both shop.

Keiji didn't mind going with you since he wasn't going to buy anything.

The cat plushie is yellow with golden eyes, tips of the ears a black color. It reminds you of someone, but you can't put your finger on who. You pay for the plushie and walk out of the store with a few bags in your hands from previous stores.

Keiji had tried to hold them for you, but you talked him out of it since you technically dragged him around to different stores all day.

You sit at the front of the story and kick your feet as you sit on the bench, holding your cat plush out in front of you while talking to Keiji.

Tetsuro and Kotaro have also finished shopping and see the two of you at the front. "Hey Hey Hey!" Kotaro yells as they walk up to the two of you.

"Quiet down Kotaro, we are at a public place," Keiji warns.

"Sorry Kei!" Kotaro replies. You hold back a laugh at the two as you continue to hold the cat up and look at it.

Tetsuro and Kotaro notice the plush at the same time and say, "Wow, that looks like Ke-."

Keiji purposely cuts them off by saying, "Oh look, Kenma must be done shopping too. He's headed this way."

The two turn their heads the way Keiji is looking. "I guess everyone is done then!" Tetsuro exclaims.

A little confused about what they were going to say at the end of their sentence you ask, "Can one of you finish your sentence?" They both go to finish it, but one glance at Keiji warns them not to.

"We already forgot what we were going to say... " Kotaro squeaks out as he looks away from his boyfriend's glare.

You raise an eyebrow and respond, "MMM Okay..." It's not like you believe him, but you decide it probably wasn't that important in the first place then.

As Kenma walks over to the group, Tetsuro makes sure everyone's ready to go. You pick up your bags, the cat plushie in your hand as you skip behind them towards the car.

Everyone sets their bags in the back before piling into the car, ready to head back to the mansion. You are sitting beside Kenma and Tetsuro in the back, your eyes slowly closing as your head is leaning back against the seat.

Eventually, your eyes close and your head falls against a shoulder.

Kenma feels something touch his shoulder as he plays his games and glances over, his fingers still moving. He rolls his eyes and goes to push your head off of him when Tetsuro grabs hold of his wrist. "Leave her be Kenma"

Kenma glares at Tetsuro for a minute before finally giving up and pulling his arm back to the switch. "Whatever," he says, going back to his game.

Keiji stops at a red light and Kenma feels something fall and hit his foot. He leans down and grabs it. "A cat plushie?" he mumbles.

Keiji looks in the back seat as he hears Kenma mumbling to himself. As Kenma holds the plushie up, he laughs at the fact that it really does look like Kenma. He realized it earlier but didn't know if you realized it or not, so he never said anything about it.

Using the mirror he watches as Kenma inspects it for a moment before setting it back onto your lap and getting back to gaming.


Rather than waking you up, Tetsuro carries you to your room. He's noticed you end up wandering around the mansion at night due to security cameras but never said anything.

He'd seen the fact that you had gone down training but didn't say anything since it would be up to Kenma whether or not you could go back to training. A few of the men bring your bags to the room as Tetsuro tucks you in under the blankets.

While walking out of the room, Kenma is at the door with something in his hand. He raises an eyebrow, "What's in your hand?"

Kenma holds it up, "A cat plush. It fell again when you picked her up."

"Ohh, oops. Do you want me to set it in there?" he asks.

"No. I'll do it," Kenma replies as he slides past Tetsuro. Tetsuro shrugs to himself before walking down the halls and to his room.

Just as Kenma is about to set the plushie down beside you, he notices something. You've already messed up the blankets, your leg hanging on the side of the bed and the blanket halfway down your body.

Kenma sighs and sets the plushie down on the nightstand. He puts your leg back onto the bed and covers it up with the blanket.

As he goes to cover you up the rest of the way, your body swings up and you start to scream as tears pour out of your eyes. Kenma quickly covers your mouth to keep you from waking anyone up. Your eyes open and you realize where you are.

"Are you done screaming?" Kenma asks you.

You nod and Kenma slowly removes his hand along with taking a step back. You quickly wipe your eyes as you realize your crying, hating that you've been seen so weak.

You are a very honest person with your emotions and everything, but there are certain times that your emotions make you feel especially weak. You consider this one of those times.

Kenma turns to leave and says, "I'll be going now."

He starts to walk away, but you reach out and grab his wrist without thinking. "Uh-uhm. I know you don't like me, but could you stay? Just for a few minutes..." you ask. You already have a feeling he will say no, but you're scared of being alone right now.

He's looking down as he turns his head, giving him the ability to see a part of your face. "No." Kenma pulls his wrist from your grip and walks to the door, opening it and walking out.

"Right... sorry," you mumble as he closes the door behind him.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!

DrAmaTiC eNdInGs B) BaHa
Anyway, uhm so like Kenma high key don like you :) Your welcome for that

Any Thoughts?


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