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I wake up to my alarm blaring on my bedside table. groggily, I turn over and grab my phone, tapping at the screen randomly in attempt to make it turn off. it doesn't help that it's on full brightness, either. however, I hear the doorbell ring and check the time.

7:15 am.

I trudge downstairs and open the door, seeing Noah's smiling face. his happiness sparks a smile on my face as well.

"good morning, y/n!!!!!" he exclaims, "ready for today?"

"uh, yeah." I say, rubbing my eyes.

"come on, y/n, wake up." he laughs, walking through the door. "you go get dressed and I'll make you breakfast."

"ok..." I say, walking back upstairs.

I come downstairs to see a smiley Noah holding an apple and a bowl of cereal.

"why are you smiling so much? I'm like starting to get concerned." I say, laughing a bit.

"y/n, I just love six flags. now eat and we'll go." he smiles, sitting down next to me.

"I really appreciate all the time you took to prepare me this gourmet meal." I joke.

"what can I say," he shrugs, "I guess I'm just amazing."

we get in the car, singing to the songs on the radio. "this boy", I think, "he's something else."

"whatcha looking at, y/n?" he asks, peering over his sunglasses at me through the rear view mirror, raising his eyebrows in the process.

"you." I wink.

"God, you're such a creeper." he grins.

we finally arrive at the park and we get out.

"I'll race you to the entrance." he winks.

"well we both know you're gonna lose if we do." I say, "being a runner and all..." I smirk.

"shut up, y/n, I've been running in my free time so I have a chance now. you don't have to always bring my self esteem down!" he fake cries.

"oh have you now?" I question.

"yeah I have, ok go!" he says, running away.

"hey!" I laugh, and I catch up to him, getting to the entrance before he does.

"damn it, y/n, I thought I had a chance."

"keep working on it, you're getting better." I say, and we walk through the gates.

"alright the line is 2 hours, not bad, not bad." I shrug.

"yeah, and it's totally worth it, considering this is the best in the whole park." he smiles.

"hey to pass time lets see how many Pokemon are around here..." I giggle.

"you're a genius, y/n."

we stand for a minute while our phones load. I get a tap on my shoulder.

"did I hear you were playing Pokemon Go?" the guy behind us asks me.

"yeah! it's so addicting." I smile. I feel Noah's arm snake around my waist.

"has anyone ever told you how great you look today?" he asks, "because I'm sure you're the hottest girl here."

"aww thank you! that's so sweet!" I smile.

"would you mind taking a picture of us with jiggly puff?" he asks, handing his phone to Noah, "I can't pass up an opportunity to have a photo with a rare Pokemon and a gorgeous girl." he says, winking at me.

"haha, no." Noah says sarcastically. "I don't think my girlfriend wants to take pictures with a man whore like yourself." he smiles innocently.

"I don't see why she would want a guy like you, she must be forced into a relationship."

"If you say anything else to my beautiful girlfriend, I'll have to make things worse, but I don't really want to do that now or here, because we're trying to have a good time. you're kind of screwing things up." he says.

"what the fuck is wrong with you? can't you see that she isn't into you?" the guy says.

"fuck you," Noah says right as a security cart drives past.

"hey, excuse me sir?" Noah yells after the cart. it stops and the man driving looks over to us.

"hi, this guy is harassing my girlfriend." he says.

"what? no!" the guy starts.

"yeah, you can't deny it." Noah says back.

"alright, sir, you'll have to come with me." the security guard states.

"no, this isn't fucking harassment." the guy yells.

"sir," the security guard says, and the guy throws a punch at Noah. luckily the security guard was only a few feet away so he grabbed the guy and put him on the cart.

"sorry about that, thanks for contacting me." the security guard says.

"not a problem. thank you!" Noah smiles.

the security guard drives away.

"Noah! I'm so sorry babe!" I say, bringing him into a hug.

"nah, you're good," he smiles, "gotta protect my baby."

"how's your face?"

"he was a fucking pussy," he laughs, "so I literally felt nothing."

I giggle and we continue moving in the line.

"Noah, I'm so glad I have you."

"I'm glad I have me too." he jokes. "shut up," I laugh, "you're such a baby!"

he smiles, kissing the top of my head.

"I guess I can take being a baby if I'm your baby."

"and that you are." and we make our way to the front of the line.

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