Part Eight: Offerings

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I look him in the eyes, the seemingly harmless guy from a motel, how?
"You didn't seemed like an executioner to me two days back",
"Told you to trust nobody".
I try to get some saliva in my mouth, the bit of spit I can collect doesn't even get close when I spat at him.
"Where are your manners, girl?",
"You know my name, so call me by it",
"Demanding looking at your position of negotiation".
He is right, my stand isn't very good, but I remember one thing he told me.
"Not gonna be easy to explain my disappearance, or?",
"A clever girl, I am sometimes way to talkative to strangers, I guess",
"Should have stopped when you had time to do it".
"So rebellious, so strong minded it seems, lets make a deal, Luz".
What kind of deal can I expect from him?
"Lets say you never saw a thing and you can just walk out of here, seems fair doesn't it?",
"And for me?",
"You get out of here unharmed, could gone much worse you know?".
Cant argue with that, I could imagine better places to be than a dirt grave.
"Lets call it a deal",
"See, an easy little deal".

He slides in the grave and cuts me free from the tape.
"Anna drives you back to town and drops you off near your home", I just nod, rubbing my wrist.
Anna, the girl waits besides a van and what looks like an old timer.
"Drive her back home and then visit me, I think we have to talk a bit about the reason we use disguises, understand?",
"Yes, I will be there in half an hour".
"Until the next time, Luz, hopefully under other, well, circumstances".

The air in the car is thick, a dense smell from chlorine in the air, the air freshener loses fatal.
Anna looks straight at the road, she looks a bit ashamed.
"Hey, sorry you had to go through this because of me",
"Cant blame you for this, can I?",
"I fucked up my cover, so I, I kinda feel responsible for this",
"You didn't threaten me at least",
"He can be a bit rough sometimes".
I think she might not get what it feels like to wake up in grave, its perhaps, but maybe only perhaps not a very good feeling.

"See ya at school I guess",
"I think so".
I just raise a hand as goodbye, as she drives off.
I check myself for a second, not that any traces of dirt are left, it would be hard to explain it to Eda.
Oh shit, Eda.
She gonna ask where I was and I cant just march right in there and say, Hey, Eda, was a nice day, same old school shit and it looks like I am already tangled in some problems, but how was yours?
Just gonna tell her that I strolled trough the city and forget the time, seems the best.

I slowly open the door to the staircase.
Could I just slip past her? Just sneak into the room?
I cant do that, not to her.
I climb the staircase and open the door to her flat.
"Hey Eda", I try to cold,
"How was your day, Luz?",
"I think, good?".
She smiles, such warmth smile.
"Got to know the city?", a bit surprised about that,
"Eh, yeah, yes, exactly",
"I did this every time I switched homes, first day was there to look around the city",
"Switched homes?",
"Yeah, I grew up like you, traveling from family to family".
That's why she can relate that much, she had the same conditions as it seems.
"Because I didn't know when you would come back, I put some snacks on your table".

And she really did, a small meal with a bowl of cut apples.
So different, if I had com this late in another family I could have endured another talk about the house rules and here?
I got some sandwiches and snacks.
This woman, how did I earn this?
This trust and empathy?
What makes me worthy to enjoy this, I am just a fuck up who had luck.
Taking a bit of the sandwich I look out of the window, the stars shining above the city.
Maybe, I can make this home, it seems like Eda is genuine good person.
The only problem now is maybe school and this dumb alley problem.
But trying to solve them is impossible for now, I should get a shower, a warm one and some sleep after that.

The beeping of the alarm rips me out of my slumber.
A surprisingly good sleep, no nightmares what so ever, well, some times I can get this luxury.
Some memory of the dream is still left, it was pleasant, sweet, beautiful, god I wish I had some more of this type, .
Eda seems to went working, she left a little note and some things for breakfast.
"Have a nice day at school", I smirk a bit, attentive, even nicer after yesterday, somone cares.

Breakfast gone by fast, Eda had some cereals to choose from, it seems like she too just eat some for breakfast, sympathetic to me.
I can also take some time for the way to school, I shouldn't have time pressure, even if I come a bit late, after the events yesterday morning it looks, like it would be normal.
I arrive at the right time, the bubble of students already entered the building, only some are left standing outside, a girl with green hair catches my glance, she seems kinda nervous.
As soon as she sees me she directly storms at me.
"You are Luz, or?",
"Why do you ask?",
"Please, just answer, I have to get in or I miss my lessons",
"Calm down, no need to worry, yes, I am Luz, so what?".
She just hands me piece of paper and runs inside.
"Hopes that not a letter from this guy from the motel" I mumble to myself as I open it.
The original sender surprises me, Blight, Amity Blight and she invites me to some kind of meeting after school.

Note of the author
Its now a bit reworked, changes has been made. Thanks for the understanding.
Have a great week everyone.

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