Part Sixteen: Alpha just waits for Omega

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I stand before the motel, the neon sign slowly blinks in and out of existence.

The Overlook.

I shiver a bit, he is just another human, nothing more, he had the upper hand back in the woods, but it wasn't a public place, right?

Take yourself together, Noceda, remember the shit about being strong and having a strong mind?

Play the role and you will play the game, get on.

I get closer to the door, dim lights fall through curtains covering the windows, you can hear muffled music coming from inside.

Time to be what I want to be, right?

With the twist of the doorknob the door swings open, smooth and without any sound,
well, not that I mind it, but an entrance would have been nice, just like in one of those western.
But now, well, the few drunk guys sitting around the tables of the dining room don't even bat an eye and the one guy at the bar with the trucker cap seems to not really care either.

Only he gives me a quick glance, a glance of his real face, just a mixture of annoyance and frustration.
Even the fact he has to immediately switch back to his little customer face amuses me, it somehow pleasures me to know I can fuck with him in here, his own turf and he can't do shit.

"Good evening, what can I do for you?", he has a shallow but sour undertone, I smirk,
"Just a beer would be fine" I am quick to add "Bartender", he narrows his eyebrows even more.
He remains his calm face, nods and grabs a glass, maybe with a bit too much force, but who am I to judge a cornered chihuahua.
The trucker-guy sits two seats left to me and seems to just, well, vibe?
He sits there, an half empty glass in hand, cap a bit more deeper in his face than normal and seems to enjoy it.
Maybe he is also already drank, would explain the dull glance of his eyes, they look a bit like I recognize them from somewhere, but somehow the brown hair mismatches my image.

"It is rude to stare at other customers", the glass get smacked on the counter in front of me,
"I could also say what is a bit rude, but lets just say this topic can stay in the safety of the woods, right?".
Now I agitated him, he takes a look around the hall, then a quick glance to the trucker, then back to me.

"Maybe, you should have stayed with it, don't you think?" he sounds croaky and gravelly, his eyes blank from emotions,
"Things have changed, I have someone who looks after me and a clique, doesn't sound like I would just run away, does it? And I still have your balls from the alley way and who knows, maybe somewhere lies a little message, just waiting to be discovered".

He calms down in an instance, but you can clearly see it, he hates this position.

"This isn't a calm lake, this is a stormy ocean, the tides can change every day and your position isn't very stormproof, isn't it? So don't try and imitate to be a freakwave" he lowers his voice, "Maybe the Blights fall for your little trick, but I can see it when someone builds on a fake foundation".

Don't yield that easy, fuck, give him some contra, come on.

"Just don't forget that some who thought they were safe from storm also got swallowed", I try to let it sound as non-threatening as I can, sometimes this sounds the best.
"Then, I will await the storm who caps me and watch how you are long gone then, to this ...".

He stops and changes in attitude, someone new entered, a guy with trench coat.
What a fucking cuck, he sees himself as something better, but as soon as he has to be someone else he has to deny himself, life with your fake freedom fucker.

"As long as I can watch your need to deny your real self in order to be accepted in a normal society, I gladly drown in the waves and now, be a good lap dog and play the good guy" I just whisper it in his direction and just can see who he his close to breaking his role.

"Write it on the tab, barty, I forgot my money, sorry" I let it sound as sweet and innocent as I can,
standing up and seeing, who his masks slowly cracks is just satisfying.
His right hand grabs the counter, white-knuckled.
"This is ok, until next time, Miss Pittsbourgh", don't really care for the mispronunciation, don't care for this name.

As I exit the bar, somewhat of a package falls of me, fuck.
I feel like I have to barf and my heart races, so fucking many emotions flooding me.
Why do I feel nothing at some times but so much at other days?
Don't know how long I stood there, but someone taps my shoulder.

FuckFuck FuckFuck FuckFuck FuckFuck FuckFuck FuckFuck

I ready myself to fight, but there is still a knot in my brain and stomach, so I just whirl around to face

The trench coat guy.

He lifts his arms up to a defensive posture, but quickly notices that I either don't want to fight or just cant.

"Hey, sorry if I scared you, but I wanted to ask you something", I fell somewhat drowsy,
"Sorry, bit too old for me and don't even ask how much",
"What? Hell no".
His face is unshaved, some grey hairs are already showing, he looks like the cliché of a detective.
"You are a detective, aren't you?", he seems surprised but handles it quick and well,
"Private detective to be precise, you seem to dislike the local bartender, don't you?".
What does he want? Oh shit, is he ordered to survey me?
"Maybe, who even cares?",
"Me, because somehow everyone doesn't really want to talk about him in the slightest, but you, it looked like you gave him some hits", something crazy mirrors in his eyes,
"So what?", my legs get a bit shaky.
He just hands me a little envelope,
"Lets just say, I think he is a good suspect for something big, contact me if you wanna help".
And with that he turns around and walks away.

And I just vomit on the street infront of the Overlook.

Unknowingly to me someone watches and shakes his head in a kind of sad disaapointment.

Hey guys, another one of these short notes from the author, I was kinda dead for a while, school had its finals and the third wave overrolled me kinda.
So this is a new chapter after some time, hope its good enough for you, I was happy seeing the comments of you guys and how you sometimes invest yourself in the story, just makes an author proud, that some people out there think about the shit you write.
As closure I wish you fellas a good Friday and a nice weekend, hope you can enjoy it.

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