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Harry is a nerd.

(Okay okay, trying to make this story not as much of a cliche as I did before. Came up with this idea on my way to a shop, like in January so may not be the best, I apologize.)

He does well in school. He is quite lonely. He likes to be home a lot and study.

Louis Tomlinson used to be his best friend a few years ago. They used to hang out all the time, playing video games and all. Harry had a little crush on Louis back then, I must admit. But that was then.

Then Zayn moved to London and they became best mates. Or should I say best smoking buddies. They keep getting into trouble and they don't even seem to care about anything. Literally.

Harry doesn't hang out with Louis anymore, he is too nerdy for him now.

Harry is also bi. That's one reason people usually avoid him at college. They're all pretty homophobic. They don't bully him, though, but they ignore him, pretend he doesn't exist. Harry doesn't really care about everyone ignoring him; he usually reads books and stuff at breaks.

He enjoys being alone, but there's a small part of him, needing company. A friend.

Sounds like terrible ass shit story right? Ikr

Lets see where this is going to but i must admit, IM EXCITED AF OKAY?? AYEE BYE.

Will be updated soon ;) x

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