The League

367 18 13

Bruce Wayne was trying not to worry about the teams latest mission, but it was always tough. The team still had much to learn before they would be considered league-worthy, and this was an incredibly serious mission, if that new virus got leaked, thousands or millions could die. The mission wasn't hard persay, but there was still a lot at stake.

Robin's report hadn't done much to quell his anxieties either, there was at least one kink that had sprung up in their mission, and there could be more. Bruce was starting to regret letting the tea have such an important mission. He needed to stop giving into Dick's pleading, not to mention stop trusting teenagers.

But Robin's report was about an hour ago, and Bruce needed to forget it, he wasn't Batman right now. until four, he was just Bruce Wayne. And Bruce Wayne had work to do. To take his mind off the team, he decided to find a bigger issue to worry about, so he opened a tab and searched up the first news network to come to mind. He clicked on an article from about half an hour ago and read the title.

'Massachusetts bank held up by teenagers'
With a picture of the team underneath.

Bruce's first reaction was to bury his face in his hands. They had one job.

His second reaction was to shout "RICHARD JOHN GRASYON!" at the ceiling. Goddammit, that boy was grounded!

Finally, Bruce forwarded the article to the league, as if hoping that someone else would volunteer to pick up the kids and try to diciplin them for this mess. At least their eyes were covered by sunglasses in the picture. 

Bruce tried to think over what he could do to help the team. His first thought was zooming down in the batwing and dragging the team back to mountain for their telling-off. But that vile of tuberculosis-H was a hazard already. Other than calling Robin to yell at him, he didn't have many ideas on how to help him.


Oliver Queen wasn't working this afternoon. Actually, he was nursing a nasty hangover in his bedroom. Sure, he didn't drink with as much reckless abandon as before the whole island thing, but still, being talked into one drink really had a way of spiralling.

And just as he was thinking that today couldn't get worse, he got an email from Bruce Wayne. Even worse than that, was the content: at least half the league was cc-ed, the subject bar just said 'Mission update', and the body of the email was just a link. Seriously, didn't Bruce know how to format a formal email?

Even then, the day could apparently get worse.

Squinting at the bright screen, he clicked through to the article. 'Massachusetts bank held up by teenagers' the photo underneath had six familiar looking kids in sunglasses, one of whom was open-carrying a semi-automatic. Of course his kid would be the one who found a gun.

"A BANK?" He uttered aloud. "How?!"


Barry, after working in silence what seemed like five hours, finally decided to put on some music, take his lunch break and check his phone. Amongst his notifications, he noticed a message from his beautiful fiancé saying that she needed him to pick up some more trail mix , LaCroix and rhubarb on the way home, and an email from Bruce Wayne. After telling Iris that he'd do so, and making a note to pick her up a KitKat bar for all her hard work, he checked Bruce's email.

It said 'mission update', and a handful of leaguers were cc-ed in it. Bruce wasn't sure if he meant a personal mission, a league mission Barry didn't know about, or a team mission.

He followed the link in the email and quickly realized that it was definitely a team mission. He also realized that his nephew was in big trouble. With twenty minutes left on his lunch break, he stepped outside to call Wally's cell.


Clark opened Bruce's email, thinking it was about a league mission. It wasn't. it was the little sidekick team. And worse than that, they were holding up a bank in Salem. How did these kids get into that? Probably something Superboy did. Clark did not want to get involved.


"Hmm?" He quickly closed the email, looking up.

"Are you okay?" Lois asked. "you look... tense."

"Oh, it's nothing, I just can't believe another network got on this first." Clark gestured at the screen. Lois leant over him to read the headline of the article.

"Six teenagers holding up a bank?" She asked. "Well, it's more interesting than the newest Vietnamese skin care brand." She observed, glaring down at the papers in her hands. "I'm going to run it up the flag pole, see if we can get someone sent out there."

"OH-" Clark went to object, but she'd already left.

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