The Unusual Suspects

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Wally walked the bank teller Danial, as well as the old woman Evelyn, and that guy Rob into the improvized dark room. 

"So these are the last three?" Artemis asked. 

"Yep." Robin replied.

"And if these three are clean, then it's probably the Guard?"

"Seems so." Robin replied. "This feels too easy." He said suddenly.  "Like, we find the perp on our first trial, he's the most conspicuous of all of them, and he isn't even showing full signs of radiation poisoning, just minor ones."

"And would you rather that we were coughing up blood?"

"No, it just... It feels like a TV episode without an act three climax." He shrugged.

"Well we've had about eight climaxes in one episode. Maybe we're a K-drama" Artemis suggested.

"Humor? You're feeling better." The kid commented.

Artemis sighed. "I'm just glad this will be over soon."

"Bat's called before they cut the comm conection." Robin groaned. "They wanna 'talk with us ' when we get back."

Artemis sighed heavily. "I have that coming. I hung up on Arrow when he tried to confrotn me." She admitted.

"Uh oh." Robin smirked. "I'll make a point to mention that this was all your idea and you lead the mission."

"Gee, you're a real pal." She scoffed. "Hey, speaking of pals." She smirked a little, answering the unknown phone call. "Ms. M!"

"Hey! Sorry I took to long! I'm back at the Bioship!"

Artemis lowered her phone. "She'd got the ride."

"Nice!" Robin agreed.

"Rob says good one." The blonde spoke into the phone, she listened for a minute. "Uh, where should she park?"

Robin thought. "They've got the place surrounded, tell her to hover it over the building, camo."

Artemis relayed this information, but was cut off by the ringing of the Bank's portable. "uh oh. I'll have to get back to you." The blonde hung up and jogged over.

"We've cut the power and water to the building." Diggs said.

"Yeah. We noticed."

"When are you planning on releasing the hostages?"

"Did you get us iced tea?" Artemis asked.

"Young Ms. This is not a game. You need to show that the remaining hostages are unharmed."

"One of them is harmed, thanks to your men." Artemis spat. She saw Wally and Conner emerge from their dark room, looking purplexed. She lowered the phone. "So?"

"Danny boy had the same results as the other guy." Wally reported. "The others are good."

Artemis checked the time and gasped a little. It was not looking good. If the virus wasn't released yet, it would break through it's glass tube very soon. The blonde raised the phone. "We'll release some hostages."

"How many?"

"How about... I dunno... six?"

"That would leave you with two remaining hostages. Is it worth keeping two?" Diggs asked.

Artemis scoffed. "I'm not an idiot, Charles. I'm not giving up all my bargening power!" She lowered the phone and looked across at Kaldur, who was working to keep Davey concious. "Can he stand?"

"With assistence, yes." Kalur replied.

"Alright, but put the inconclusive in the lounge and the others out here." Artemis told Conner. "We're about to let them out. No guns." She said stiffly. "We're letting out an old lady, a young woman, three men; three healthy, one injured." She helped her team shepherd the hostages around the door, while Conner watched their two indecisive results. "Hold fire. We're opening the doors."

Davey had his healthy arm wrapped over Sander's shoulders, and a couple of the middle-ages men helped Evelyn run down to the parking lot. Once they were gone,  the team reclosed the doors and hurried to their holding cell. 

Wally noticed a familiar-shaped distortion on the wall and gave her a light push. "Ms. M! You're back!"

"Yeah..." She shook off the camoflague and followed them around the corner. "Bioship is hanging by outside

"Alright." Artemis grunted as they entered the room. "Which one of you?"

"Which one of us what?" Daniel the teller asked.

"You know." Wally spat.

Conner clarified. "The one who thought he could take a highly-unstable virus sample without alerting anyone."

"Virus sample?" The Guard asked.

"It was being held in lock box 457348." Kaldur told them. "We know that one of you took it.

"Well, it wasn't me, but- No!" The other man, Danial, exclaimed. "I've known Matao for years!" 

"As a bank employee, either of you would have easy access to the lock boxes." M'gann added.

"But how would a bank employee who know of Toburculosis-H, and that it requires freezing?" Conner pointed out.

"There were a lot of homing devices on there, looked pretty expensive." Wally confirmed. "And they were conected to a very expensive cell phone, one I doubt a bank teller or security gaurd cold readily afford."

"I'm placing my money on a contractor." Artemis said. 

"We have our own hydrogen freezer." Kaldur said. "That sample is highly unstable. Which ever one of you has it, you are in sevear danger. If you agree to put it in the cooling system, you can leave this scenario alive."

"Rob, you good?" Wally asked suddenly, having noticed their youngest member's silence.

"I'm just..." Dick frowned. "He went into the dark room last, and we searched them again in the doorway. Neither of them have it."

Artemis, who had been toying with her gun in the back, perked up. "Which means he hid it somewhere in the lobby!" She tucked her gun into the waistband at the back of her jeans and lead the others out in front of her.

'Where do we look in the lobby?' M'gann asked urgently over the link.

'Ms. M, can you make a smaller link?' Artemis asked. 'you me and Aqualad.'

Before anyone could ask why, M'gann set up the privet link 'What's wrong Artemis?'

'I have a plan, bare with me.' The archer started. 'Ms. M, how much brunt force damage can the front of the bioship take?'

The team split up, searching the lobby. Kaldur opened the freezer and left it in the middle of the floor, so who ever found the thing first could slide it in before it was too late.

In the corner of her eye, M'gann could see Daniel edging towards his desk. She glanced around, trying to spot the creepy guard.

There was a yelp, prompting them to whip around. Artemis was stumbling backwards, grabbing for the gun in her waistband. The gun that Mateo Simpson was currently pointing into her forehead.

"What goes around comes around, little girl."

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