Epilogue Part Two: The Cute, Peaceful One

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-Thanks for reading! This was low-key inspired by an episode of the show 'Sanctuary', but I had such a blast writing it. Next YJ book already in progress-

"B, I'm fine." Dick protested, his voice strained. "Aqualad has it worse." He insisted.

Bruce, who's foster son had the white plague, wasn't buying it. "Stay still." Dick did, reluctantly, as Bruce took his blood and saliva samples.

"Did you know that TB smelt so bad. I mean, It makes sense..."

"Don't try to talk." Bruce told him sternly.

Dick rolled his eyes tiredly, glancing around him. He couldn't even roll his eyes with Wally or Artemis, because the curtains around each of their cots had been drawn for privacy. 

He couldn't hear much besides Superboy explaining the situation to Black Canary and the best he could, since he was the least symptomatic. M'gann chimed in occasionally, but she must also be separated.

"Is Aqualad okay?" 

"Robin." Batman replied rigidly. 

"What?"Dick gave  defensive look, he had the right to be worried about his semi-aquatic teammate, who essentially has terrible asthma and nearly drowns when someone wears perfume, suddenly contracting Tuberculosis.

"Aqualad is fine. He's been returned to Atlantis and his having no other raspatory issues."

"Good." Dick muttered.


"So, remind me, you heard that someone stole something, and your first thought was to hold up a bank?"

Artemis groaned, laying back on her cot. "I also found the vile." She croaked, flexing her shoulders to get rid of a cramp. "And stopped us from getting shot, stopped the virus from killing everyone in the county, handled police negotiations, lead the team, gave orders, no hostage deaths..." 

Artemis caught a look from her mentor and took it as a break to rest her throat. "This is not a successful mission, Artemis!" Oliver told her sternly. "Innocent people could have died."

The blonde glared up at her mentor, as if to scoff 'ya don't say!'. "I. HAVE. TEBURCULOSIS. Have you ever called in sick because you have teburcul-" She fell into a violent coughing fit, practically hacking up her lungs.

"Get some rest, kiddo."

Artemis, who had been resting before Oliver came in and bothered her in the first place, nodded bitterly. "Kay."


"...No, we didn't realize she had taken the phone." Conner explained impatiently. "Because that's when the police shot and hit another hostage!"

Dinah nodded slowly, listening to the kids' unbelievable tale. "The one you and Kid Flash helped." She finished.

"Yes." Conner replied. Recounting this story was very frustrating. The league kept getting hung up on little things like who was shot and why they started releasing hostages. "But we didn't realize she'd taken the cell phone until we'd stayed the bleeding and Robin and Artemis started getting calls about being in the news."

Dinah nodded. "You did make the news."

"I know." He replied stiffly. "Robin was showing us an article on the way here by some reporter-" He frowned, thinking. "Clark. Kent. in the Daily Planet. Artemis pointed out we share a last name." He remembered. Black Canary inhaled sharply bit the inside of her lips, but Conner was too preoccupied to notice. "After that Me and Kid Flash went to help Robin with his device..."

"Clark Kent?" Green Arrow asked, passing them on his way out.

"YES. Clark Kent." Conner replied impatiently. How many times would he have to repeat arbitrary details like that?

"One of the reporters updating on the situation." Dinah added, bouncing her eyebrows a little as se spoke, as if she were in disbelief herself.

"No way." The archer chuckled. "That I've got to see."

"What?" Barry asked, returning from the lab to visit his nephew.

"Daily Planet had Clark Kent report on the hold up." Green Arrow reported, already on his phone trying to find it.

"Really? No way!" Barry replied.

"Yeah- Look at this opening paragraph!" Oliver held out his cell. "He Hates This."

Barry glanced over it and shook his head. "Dammit Clark..." He muttered, laughing, heading in to find his Nephew/sidekick's gurney. 

The teenager threw up his hands. "Does EVRYBODY  know this guy?" Conner exclaimed, frustrated.


Wally's metabolism working hard, which unfortunately meant he was showing heavy symptoms.

"Don't worry, it probably won't last more than an hour or so." His uncle assured. Wally just groaned. "In the meantime..." Barry drew up a chair. "A bank?" Wally winced a little, eyelids fluttering a little. "You're fading in and out, aren't you?" Barry asked.

"Ugh." Was the redhead's husk of a reply.

Barry brushed hair out of his nephew's eyes. "You kids didn't have to hold up a bank and contract tuberculosis for our attention." He teased."You could have just called for backup, you know."

-Again, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!-

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