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"Good night sweetie" i said kissing my daughter's forehead "mother,could you tell me a story?" She asked "if i tell you a story would you fall asleep" i asked "yes, i promise" she said "okay" i said sitting on her bed next to her "Once upon a time, so many years ago, there was a kingdom where a beautiful princess lived, her life was happy and easy till she met a peasant...

Leah pov

"My lady,did you calle me?" Francis said getting in my room "that's right" i said turning around "is there anything you need from me?" He asked "i would like to go for a walk around the forest and my father, the king, would never let me go alone, so please prepare everything, we are leaving in thirty minutes" i said "but, my lady, it's late, the sun is about to set" he said "i know, but the forest looks beautiful touched by those last sun rays and later bathed in the pale moonlight" i said looking through the window "as you wish my lady, i'll take some more guards and we'll leave" he said before leaving.

Some minutes later Mar, my maid, whose also my best friend came "my lady" she said "hello, how may times may i ask you to call me Leah?" I said "it doesn't matter how many times you ask me, you are the princess, you would always remind my lady for me, now it's time to get ready" she said and i smiled "this dress is shorter than the normal ones, isn't it?" I asked as i saw that it showed my ankles "yes my lady, since you always complain about how difficult is to walk with those long dresses in the forest I though you would like a shorter one, I can give you another if you wish" she said "no, this one is more than fine, you know what is the first thing I'm going to do when I become the queen?" I said "of course, you would allow woman to wear pants" she said "that's right, I don't understand why we are forced to wear this dresses, they are so uncomfortable" I said

*Martinus pov*

"We almost run out of wood for the fire, Martinus could you please go to the forest to get some?" Mother said "of course mother, I'll be here before midnight" I said "take the horse, you will go faster this way" Marcus said "I will" I said "be careful son, the forest can be dangerous during the night" father said "I'll be careful father" I said "there's anything else we need?" I asked "just come back home" Emma said "I will, don't worry" I said as I walked out of our house, it was a small house and it was very old, it wasn't the best place to live in, but it was home

I rode the horse along the forest as i picked up some branches, but since it was winter and it was snowing the branches were wet, so we would have to wait for them to dry to be able to make fire. I also took some berries so we could eat something for breakfast tomorrow. It was already night when I decide that I had enough branches and berries I started to ride the horse back home but there was loud noise and the horse got scared and I fell, I hurt my leg so bad but I managed to take the reins of the horse, I tried to calm him down but he pushed me away making me hit my head and faint

*Leah POV*

It's been a while since we started walking through the forest "what was that?" I asked "it sounds like a horse" Francis said and some minutes later we saw the horse, some guards managed to calm it down "the horse rider should be around here, look for him" I said "I found him" Francis said after a while, it was a boy, he was unconscious "we should take him to the village, someone might know where he lives" Francis said "no, we'll take him to the palace, he needs a doctor" I said "my lady, he is just a vulgar peasant, his family has to take care of him if they can't pay for a doctor" one of the guards said "don't dare to call him vulgar peasant again, he is a person and he has fever and he is frozen and, oh god, look at his leg, it's full of blood, it may be broken, we are taking him to the palace and he will stay there till he is fully right, i'll pay for the doctor but I'm not leaving him like this, he could get worse" I said "as you wish my lady" Fracis said and they carry him to the palace.

"who is him?" My father, the king, asked as he saw us "we found him in the forest father, he is hurt, he needs a doctor" I said "he is just a peasant I don't think he or his family can pay for a doctor, just look how he is dressed" he said "father please, he is a person, a human being, we need to help him, I would pay the doctor myself" I said "okay, but I want him out of here as soon as he is okay, and you should inform his family about this, they may be worried" he said "I will tell them as soon as he wakes up and tell me where he lives" I said "you have a kind heart, don't let people take advantage of that and use it against you" he said and we took the boy to a room "lay him down, the doctor is on his way" I said. After a while the doctor came and asked me to wait outside

"how is him?" I asked when he got out "well, the hit on his head it's not very serious so he should be awake by the morning and he has been lucky, he didn't broke his leg, but it is a quite serious injury so it will take about one or two weeks till he can walk again, he has a bit of fever so he may have a cold or flu, but he will be fine, if he has stomach or head ache give him one of this pills every three hours, it will help him with the pain, also put a wet cloth on his forehead to lower the fever" he said "I will" I said "i will come every three days to check how he is doing" he said "okay, thank you, here it's your money" I said "thanks for counting on me for this my lady" he said before leaving.

The princes and the peasantWhere stories live. Discover now