Katsuki Bakugo 

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⚠️ kidnaping, forms of torture, stalking ⚠️

     Everyone was doing there best at the training camp, that was one thing, it was to get Midoriya off their mind, they had to keep going, that's was Midoriya would want. As night slowly fell, the young heroes started to play a game, little did they know the danger that is to come.

Izuku was tired, he didn't know how much more his body could take, but he won't give up yet, he wouldn't, he can't give in to them.
"Katsuki Bakugo will be here soon, this is your last chance before one of your friends die." Shigaraki said, Deku looked at him with tired eyes, he sat up a bit in the chair he was tied in.
"F*ck you." Shigaraki didn't like that, he stood up and smacked Deku across the face, making his cheek hurt, he cried a bit, he didn't look at the villain, he didn't want to give them the pleasure.

"What do you want with Bakugo?" Aizawa asked, Dabi didn't say anything just smirked, Toga just giggled. Bakugo was in front of Todoroki who was weak.
"It's something that has to do with the Midoriya kid." Todoroki looked at him through the black eye, Toga then cut Aizawa off Guard, then Twice grabbed both Todoroki and Bakugo. They soon ended up in the hideout, Dabi knocked the two heroes out. "We caught two instead of one, I hope you don't mind."
"Perfect." Shigaraki said, Deku saw his two classmates on the floor, his eyes wide, he tried to wiggle out, yell and scream. Shigaraki looked over, he untied Deku who ran to the two.
"Why?" He asked the villain, "why take them? You wanted me! Kill me!"
"I want you to join us." Shigaraki said. "The longer you stall, the shorter their life gets!" The blue haired man touched the boys ankles, Deku watched in horror as his friends found out the pain he was given for a week.
"Stop! Stop it! You're hurting them!" Deku said at him, tears ran down his face, the blue haired man didn't listen. "FINE! I'll... I'll join you..." Todoroki slowly opened his eyes. "Shoto." The very weak boy held up his hand, he smiled and wiped away Deku's tears.
"You d-didn't have to do that." Then out of no where, Bakugo got up, Todoroki used his right side, setting the whole place to a blaze. Deku looked at the two, Bakugo picked him up.
"We knew they would do this." Bakugo smirked, "we made a plan with All might and Aizawa. We just didn't know when they would attack." Deku smiled, Bakugo jumped to the ground and police and medical officers where at the scene, All Might stood with Aizawa. Bakugo put Deku down, Ms. Midoriya ran to her son, she hugged him, closing him close.
"Izuku. Oh Izuku. I was so worried." She cried, Izuku hugged her, he started to cry.
"I'm so happy they didn't get you." She pulled away, now that she was looking at him, she was scared, the way he looked wasn't okay.
"Izuku." She put a hand on his face, he held it, tears ran down her face.
"I'm okay momma." He said, she smiled and bit, some Medics ran over All Might got Ms. Midoriya out of the way.

Days passed and Izuku was still in the hospital, All Might visited him a lot, so did Class 1-A, Deku was happy. He looked out the window. He could still feel Shigaraki's hand all over his body, the boy would silently cry himself to sleep at night.
"I brought you some soba." Todoroki said, Deku smiled, the taller boy sat on the bed, "can you explain to me what happened back there? About joining them?"
               "Shigaraki wanted me to join them, I held my own for a while, but then since I couldn't take anymore punishments they were gonna hurt the class, I was waiting for a good time to get out but I was too weak." Deku didn't look at the boy with the red and white hair, "so they had a plan on kidnapping Bakugo, they grabbed you as well..." tears ran down his face, "I thought they were joking when they were bringing Bakugo in..."
                 "Midoriya, you held your own for a week, non of us could've done that, and you had us in mind." Todoroki smiled a bit, "that's a hero."
                  "Thank you Shoto." Then the doctor came in, telling Todoroki to leave, Izuku laid down in the bed, the memories just came rushing back like a title wave.

All Might took Izuku home, his mother cried when she saw him, they hugged. "Izuku." She said.
              "Momma." He said, they didn't break, they just hugged in the living room, All Might stood in the hallway, they figured after what Todoroki got from Deku the villains will come back to get him. All the teachers and Pro heroes agreed that Deku might be a main priority, All Might will live with the Midoriya's while a few other heroes take turns watching the house and the block, teacher and staff were on high alert, making sure the students were safe. But they were all worried because Deku agreed to work with them, even if it was out of fear and worry for his friends, they didn't want anything to happen.
                "I love you so much Izuku." His mother said, Deku smiled, soon all three of them sat at the table to eat, Ms. Midoriya kinda stared at the scar on Deku's face, recovery girl said it will heal with time, it just felt weird to her.

Deku walked to school with All Might at his side, they talked about One for All, Deku kept looking behind them, as like they were being followed, he saw a few heroes but nothing more.
              "Young Midoriya?" Deku looked at All Might, "you okay?" 
                "I feel like we're being followed, I don't know... maybe it's just me being skeptical." All Might nodded, they continued their way to UA.

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