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Deku could hear things, he could see Shigaraki and All for one, he twitched a bit, then he felt a warm hand go into his, like it was keeping him safe.
"Come on you damn nerd." He couldn't place it, but he knew the voice, All for one stood in front of him, he started to seize.
"Deku, you are not there! Please, you are not there." Another person said, "wake up to understand." He felt to tear on his skin, but who's? He slowly opened his eyes to see the villains, he freaked and tried to hit Shigaraki, but they grabbed it, his handed didn't disintegrate. "It's okay. You're okay." He blinked, he saw all of Class 1-A, All might, And his mother.
"Hey, hey." Bakugo said, he was sitting on the bed, he put his hands on Deku's shoulders, Deku looked at him. "I'm Katsuki Bakugo, your childhood friend, Shoto Todoroki a really good friend." Deku looked at the two, "your mom." Ms. Midoriya hugged her son, "class 1-a."
"You okay young Midoriya?" All Might asked, Deku tried to think, his name was Midoriya?
"Who's Midoriya?"
"It's you Izuku. You are Midoriya." His mother said, he looked down, pictures of the bodies and kids entered his mind, then left. He didn't look at anyone, he couldn't, all he saw were the villains.
                     "Deku?" Uraraka asked, the green haired boy looked at her, he almost fell out of the bed, he saw Toga holding a very big knife.
                       "No no..." he whispered, the doctor walked in and said they had the leave, it wasn't good for his health, Izuku sat on the bed, looking out the window.

He wasn't Izuku Midoriya

He was Deku, Deku the insane.

           "Last night a boy of the name of Izuku Midoriya broke out of the hospital, he is in very bad conditions, both mentally and physically. If you see him call either the police or a pro hero. We don't know if he's dangerous yet, but we do know, the League of villains are after him." A news reporter said, Deku was sitting in a alleyway, a small girl was next to him, he wanted to keep her safe, her name was Eri. Deku twitched to get the voices out of his head, Eri looked at him, she pulled the blanket over him.
               "Keep it Little one." He said.
               "You're getting cold." She told him, there was a load sound from the other end, Deku stood up, he pulled out a knife, but it was just a cat. Deku picked her up.
                 "Then we can go somewhere warm." He started to walk, the voices only got louder, he hated it. Eri hugged him, he hugged back.
                   "It's okay." She said, he nodded and kissed her cheek, as they walked, Deku felt like they were being watched, he had his hood up. "Deku."
                    "Yes?" Eri pointed behind them, there was a tall dark figure, Deku started to run, Eri had her head in his neck, tears ran down both of their faces. Deku hid behind a wall, the voices were getting worse, he slid down a wall.
                      "Help!" Eri yelled, Deku was going into a panic attack, "someone help him!" She held him close, He couldn't hear over the Shigaraki's laugh, "Deku don't worry." She said.
                       "Eri, I want you to run and don't look back." He told her, "don't worry about me okay?"
                        "I don't want to leave you." She said, "you need help."
                        "Eri, please. Listen, you will get hurt if you stay with me. I love you too much to see you hurt. Go." He said, "go to UA, they might be able to help." She nodded and took off, she looked behind her, Deku was crying, then she ran. When she got to the UA building she looked around, she saw Aizawa looking dead, she ran to him, pulling on his pant leg, he looked down.
                         "Where did you come from?" He asked, he got to her level, she looked behind her.
                         "My friend needs help." She said, "he told me to run, but I don't want to leave him behind, he-he hears voices in his head, and he thinks that some bad people are after him."
                         "Okay sweetie, can you tell me where he is so we can help him." She nodded and grabbed his hand, she walked him to where Deku was, not far from the school, but Deku want there, his glove was.
                          "Oh no. He-he was here!" She said, she picked up the glove, tears in her eyes. "DEKU!" She yelled, Aizawa froze at the name she yelled, Deku took her in, then told her to run. What was going on with him.

                   "Take me back.." Deku asked Shigaraki, the boy shook his head like he was trying to get something out of his head, "t-They won't s-stop.. y-you can stop them." He slurred his 's' he twitched again. Shigaraki smiled under the hand, Deku looked at him.
                     "Welcome home Deku." The tall man stood up and put a arm around Deku's shoulders.

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