A Villain and A hero

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            "Midoriya?" Todoroki asked, the green haired boy looked at him, he looked like he had gone insane, "y-you're alive."
              "Shoto." Endeavor started, "that isn't Midoriya."
              "But it is." Todoroki said, Deku broke the ice, he grabbed the knife and went after Todoroki, the boy blocked him, Deku then got him into a head lock, pinning him to the ground, Toga jumped onto Endeavor, Twice then kicked him down. "Izuku please!"
                "That's not my name." Deku said, Todoroki touched the green haired boy with fire, he wasn't fazed, the Red and white haired boy tried to get out of the hold.
                   "Come on! Listen this isn't you! You are a hero!" Todoroki said, "think of your mom! She's been so upset, so worried about you for the past three years! Come on!" Deku gave him a confused look. "I'm your friend!" Deku loosened the grip, then Todoroki threw the green hair boy across the room. "All Might-"
                    "You need to go." Deku said, Todoroki punched the boy, then pinned down Deku, then Midoriya started to laugh like a manic. "This world is filled with heroes and villains. Good and evil, are you sure you're on the right side?"
                       "This isn't you Deku!" Todoroki said. "Listen to me!" Bakugo then landed, he held up his phone, "it's Izuku."
                         "D-Deku?" The green hair male looked up, Bakugo stepped back, "y-you're alive!" He sounded happy. Then Shigaraki appeared, Deku had fear in his eyes.
                       "We can take them master, they can help us." Shigaraki thought for a second, "All might! They can help kill All Might!" Toga tackled Todoroki while Twice grabbed Bakugo.
                         "You better be right." Deku nodded, Todoroki saw the fear in Deku's eyes, what did they do to him.

"Midoriya is slipping." Dabi said, "we need to get him back on track, he's our best fighter."
"We can't just keep switching it. He'll go mad." Toga said, "he maybe good, but keeping him like this is gonna kill us."
"It's those two, they are the reason why we didn't kill Endeavor." Twice said, "he's still alive and he knows about Deku."
"We got his son at least." The other side of him said.
"What do you want to do All for one?" Shigaraki asked, "you're the one who told us to grab the kid." All for one sat in the corner, he looked up, Deku's eyes were glossed over, he just stared off in space. Then he stood up, All for one walked over to the boy, he put his hand on the boy's head, then he fell. Midoriya just laid there, nothing in his eyes.
"He'll wake up soon, now it's time for those two."
"What do you want to do with them?" Dabi asked, "we can't just convert them to villains like Midoriya."
"True, but they think there is still a chance of changing Deku into the hero he is." All for one said, "no one can stop us from hurting them, making them feel the same pain that Deku had before he became one of us." They all nodded, All for One walked to their prisoners, getting ready. Toga put Deku in his room, tucking him in the bed, she looked at his All Might figurine, the only thing left of his childlike persona. She grabbed it, Twice saw, he gave her a sad look, while she gave the figurine a sad look.
"He didn't want to be one of us, he wanted to be a hero." She held up All Might, "he wanted to be just like him, he wanted to be All Might."
"He will in Villain form." Twice said. Toga shook her head.
"He had friends and Family! Unlike us! He had people that cared for him." She said, Twice looked at her, she had small tears in her eyes.
"Toga. Please." She placed the figurine next to Deku, the boy smiled a bit, like remembering something he had forgotten. She then walked out, Twice looked at the sleeping Deku.

After All for one, the two boys didn't want to be there, Bakugo looked at Todoroki, the red and white haired boy looked tired. "We're doing this for Deku." Bakugo tried to get out, "come on Icy hot! Don't give up now!"
                "I want to sleep, he took to much." Then the door opened, Bakugo looked, a girl was carrying Deku.
               "He's still a little out of it." She said, they looked at her, "look I've seen what they have been doing to him for the past three years, he needs to get out as soon as he can."
She started to untie the two. "Go to the left, there's a door there is should lead to the outside." She said, Bakugo and Todoroki nodded, the grabbed Deku, Bakugo looked back.
"Thank you." The girl didn't do anything, it was like she was thinking, the three then left, they ran down the streets of the city.
              "All Might!" Todoroki yelled, he had a small smile on his face, they hadn't seen All Might since Midoriya disappeared, after the funeral. Heck they don't see him at UA as much. All Might and Endeavor were talking, All Might turned to face them, he looked shocked at the unconscious Midoriya.
                "Are you two okay?" All Might ask, they placed Izuku on the ground, All Might ran to check on the boy, they're was loud yelling and screaming from down the alley way. Bakugo and Todoroki were ready, All might held the sleeping Izuku, Endeavor was ready as well, then there was nothing.
                 "We need to go." Bakugo said they nodded, All Might picked up Izuku, they ran to the hospital, some doctors saw them. While they took Deku, Todoroki and Bakugo told All Might and Endeavor about them. "I think I understand what happened, All for one has a power to brainwash or mind control. That girl said she seen what they have done to him. She sounded worried."
                      "We need to know more." Endeavor said.
                      "All for one. He tried to turn us. He's the master mind." Todoroki said, he looked at the ER doors. "We couldn't get anything more, he was hurting-" Todoroki then passed out, Bakugo caught him, a doctor ran over, they then took both Todoroki and Bakugo.

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