The Insane

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"AHAHAH." Deku laughed, he couldn't stop, he wasn't with Todoroki or Bakugo, the boy held his head, "ahaha, yes yes. Kill kill kill! They will be my loves! They will take over with me!" Deku shook his head, then hit it a bit, "stop stop." Shigaraki walked over to the boy, he got down to his level, he made him look up at him.
               "Hello my love." Shigaraki said, he kissed Deku, the boy didn't know what to do so he kissed back, then they pulled away, Deku looked up at Shigaraki. "Why look so upset when you can be happy?"
                  "Shoto Shoto! Katsuki Katsuki!" Deku said, Shigaraki slapped him, the boy held his cheek.
                    "You belong to me! And to me only! Do not talk about those two parasites!" Shigaraki said, he then grabbed Deku, the boy started to yell and screams.
                      "No no! PLEASE! KATSUKI SHOTO!!" Deku started to cry, "NO NO NO!!"

Almost all the heroes stood in front of the new hideout, there was yelling and screaming, they couldn't make it out though, All Might stood in front of the group, "we have to be ready for anything, we don't know what they have planned or if they know that we are here." Everyone nodded and they started to the hideout, All Might had Aizawa, Present mic, and Fat Gum. "Hold on."
                   "Let go! Let go!"
                   "That's Midoriya." Aizawa said, All Might nodded, they continued to listen.
                   "No stop! Please! Stop. AH!" Aizawa was about to attack, but Mic stoped him, Shigaraki started to choke Deku, the boy had tears in his eyes. "AH!" He screamed as the pain grew worse in his lower area.
                      "What is he doing?" Fat Gum asked, All Might peeked through the door, and he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes wide. "All Might?"
                        "Told you." All Might stepped back, Toga sat in the hall, she stood up, "now you know."
                         "Why don't you stop him? Izuku is only a kid."
                         "Don't you think I have? Shigaraki pushes me away, hell he even locks all of us out, Dabi is with the two idiots right now... just be careful.." she then walked off, All might sighed.
                         "All Might?" Aizawa asked, the hero didn't looked them, all he heard was the crying of his adoptive son, he held back tears.
                         "Go find Todoroki and Bakugo, I got Midoriya." The three looked at each other and nodded, and they walked off.
                           "You did so well my little one." He heard shigaraki say, All Might looked through the cracked door, Deku was tied up, not wearing anything, and his mouth gagged, the boy looked up tiredly at the blue hair male. Who then left, All Might ran in and got next to Deku.
                             "Hey young Midoriya." Deku looked at all might, the hero took off his cape and wrapped his body, the hero soon got the rope untied from his hands. "Come on." All Might picked him up. The boy shivered. "Your momma is worried about you." He said, Midoriya listened to All Might's heart beat, soon they were meeting with a few other heroes with Bakugo and Todoroki.
                              "Deku." Bakugo said, Todoroki and him ran over, Deku looked at them, they smiled, Todoroki kissed his head.
                             "We're going home."

Deku was asleep in the hospital bed, two police officers stood in front of it, keeping the press and anyone who wasn't authorized to be there out, All Might was talking to a doctor, Ms. Midoriya was in his arms.
"We don't really know if he'll ever be back to normal, they mess with his head a lot." He said to them, "he needs some time to rest and not deal with anything hard, we will also put him in psychoactive ward to keep him out of the public, you will be able to visit him." They nodded, "we will try and convince the court that his killing Endeavor was psychotic break. The might lessen his sentence."
"What about Shoto?" All Might asked, the doctor looked at him.
"His siblings are older then 18 they are eligible to take care of him, and since Now UA has dorms he can stay in the care of the school." All Might nodded, the two got up, Inku looked at her hands.
"He'll be okay Inku, don't worry." All Might said, "how about we go and get some dinner? Just the two of us?" She laughed, they walked out of the hospital, Todoroki and Bakugo were sharing a room.
"Should we check on Midoriya?" Todoroki asked, Bakugo sighed and leaned back onto the wall, the boys looked out the window.

Deku woke up in the middle of the night, he sat up, he looked over to his side to see fruit, he was quiet, his body hurt. "Katsuki shoto." He went to get up, but a doctor walked in. "Katsuki? Shoto?"
"They are resting up like you, of course you've felt with more of it."
"They okay?" The doctor laughed.
"Yes they are okay." Deku nodded, he looked out. "They can't get you, and we will make sure no one can hurt you."
"Won't hurt?"
"We have put Security up even more then ever really."
"Shigaraki... no no.." The doctor walked over to Deku, "no no, Shigaraki stop stop." He has tears in his eyes, "hurts."
"He can't get to you." The doctor said, Deku shoot his head, Deku was really going insane if he already wasn't, deku ran down the boy's faces "wait here okay?"

"Come on." The doctor woke up Todoroki and Bakugo, "Midoriya needs the both of you." They nodded and they walked with the doctor to Deku. Midoriya looked up when the door opened to see the three.
"Hey Izuku." Shoto said, Bakugo and him sat next to the boy, he hugged both of them, they hugged back.
"Your okay." Bakugo said, he nodded, they all sat there in the room, Deku slowly went to sleep.

Todoroki and Bakugo didn't leave Deku till he went to the psychiatric hospital, they would visit him on visiting day, Ms. Midoriya and would come as well, as the days went on, Izuku was becoming himself.
"What do I do? I killed Endeavor." He asked Shoto and Bakugo, "I'll go to jail."
"They have evidence that it wasn't really you, the villains really messed with your head Midoriya." The green haired boy looked at his hand, Shoto moved some hair from his face, Bakugo grabbed his hands.
"I wish I didn't go insane." He closed his eyes, tears fell, "I hurt a lot of people."
"It wasn't you Deku." Bakugo said, Deku looked at the blond, "they were Messin' with ya."
"But it was still me." He sighed, he got up, "I'm gonna try and rest." The two nodded and left, Deku cried a bit, he could feel pressure all around him and he didn't know why. "I'm not insane, I'm not insane, G-get out... no no no." He grabbed his head, tears fell from his eyes, "hahaha. Ahaha! Ahaha!!" He started like a manic, he felt his nails rip at his face, he felt blood, "ahah! Ahaha!" He looked at the ceiling, tears fell from his eyes, blood fell from his sinuses, he never felt so... ALIVE.

End of Act One

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