You can't help him

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     ⚠️self harm, harm to others, killing, panic attack, kidnapping, a sexual act to a minor without Consent ⚠️

Dabi put a hand around Todoroki's neck, Bakugo went to attack but he was held back by twice, Todoroki didn't look at Dabi.
                "Young Midoriya is glone, he isn't coming back, deal with it."
                  "Izuku is better then that."
                 "He can't be sane without us."
                 "He's not your puppet!" Todoroki yelled at him turning to Dabi, "he's a human! A kid! And you took it away from him!"
"But he came back."
"He didn't have choice."
"Deep down you are glad that Endeavor is dead." Dabi grabbed Todoroki's neck and pulled him close to Endeavor, Todoroki just started to him, there was no light in the eyes of his father. "Look at him, LOOK AT HIM! That is no father, that is a monster that should've been killed a long time ago."
"You don't know what he did."
"He would force you to train even if you didn't want to, he didn't care if you got hurt, he would force you to do everything." Dabi said, "he would lock you in your room with no fold or water when you did something he didn't like." Todoroki looked at him. "I know too much do I Shoto?"
"Who are you?"
"Toya Todoroki."

Deku sat up, he held his head, then he felt the blood, he look down tears in his eyes, Toga ran to him. He looked at her.
"What-What... where?"
"Deku." She said, he looked at her, "it's okay, come on. We need to go." There was sirens in the background, Dabi and Twice started to run down the hall, Toga helped the green boy up. When they got to the hide out Deku sat down, he held his head, Toga grabbed some clean clothes for him.
"I-I-I killed E-E-Endeavor... I-I killed A-Al-All Might." He said she sighed, then started to clean him up, tears ran down his face "I hurt them."
"It's okay Deku." She said, Deku looked at her, he signed.
              "No no. Stop stop!" He stood up, he didn't want to be touched, Toga looked at him, she sighed, she stood up. "No! No! Stop it!! Stop it!! Ahh!" He bent over cupping his hands over his ears and screaming like he was in pain, Toga didn't know what to do, she didn't want to touch him. Deku grabbed a knife and started to cut his wrists, Toga grabbed the knife, setting Deku on the ground she wrapped a cloth around both of his hands. "Shoto! Shoto help help! Shoto help! Shoto Shoto!" Shigaraki walked in, Deku cried he just didn't want to do this anymore, "please please... stop stop."
                 "Young Midoriya it's okay." Toga held the boy down, Shigaraki got next to him, the taller man kissed Deku's head, the boy cried but he was calmed down, he looked at Shigaraki with red eyes. "It's okay, it's okay."
"Make it stop, make it stop." Deku shook his head, tears ran down his face, he screamed in pain, Toga just watched. "Get out! Get out! Get out."
"Izuku, it's okay. Breath." Shigaraki said, "calm down."
"Kill me, Kill me." Deku cried, Shigaraki grabbed Deku's chin and kissed him on his soft lips, Deku closed his eyes, Toga had her mouth open. She let go of Deku's arms, she stood up, and then looked at her boss.
"Why! Why would you do that?" Shigaraki's dead eyes looked up at her, he stood up, she looked at him. "He's a kid."
"And he needed to calm down."
"That doesn't give you a damn right to kiss him!" She yelled, Shigaraki grabbed her face, she had fear in her eyes, Shigaraki looked at her.
"I could kill you if I wanted to, but I need you alive." He let go, then walked out, Toga got next to Deku, he was peaceful sleeping now, she pulled him close.
"It's okay." She said as he twitched.

    Todoroki looked up at his brother, Dabi smiled, he walked over to the boy in the chair, Todoroki looked down.
               "I got some food." Dabi said, Todoroki didn't look up, "look you little sh*t, I agreed to do this because of Deku, he went crazy after All Might." Todoroki looked at him, "He went after Endeavor himself. Toga, Twice, and I went after him once we knew what he was doing. But we couldn't stop him from killing him."
                  "You watched him kill father?"
                  "That man doesn't deserves to be a dad, he was never a dad." Dabi almost slapped him, but didn't. "I wanted to see what he would do. He broke in though the window, snuck through the room, got on top of Endeavor and stabbed him, a nice deep cut to." Dabi started, Todoroki didn't know how to feel, sure he hated the dick, but he was still his dad, "Endeavor woke up but he couldn't stop Deku once he started, Deku stabbed and stabbed and stabbed. He didn't stop there, he then started to gut him, once the was the light of Endeavor's flames didn't go out till he walked out of the room, Deku knew that he wouldn't be saved."
                "He wouldn't... why?" Todoroki didn't want to look at him, "Midoriya wouldn't hurt anyone unless he had a reason."
              "Endeavor was a reason! He isn't a hero Shoto! He's not even a father." Twice walked in, he didn't know what to do about the fighting.
              "Shigaraki needs us." Twice said

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