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⚠️ minor sexual acts towards a minor, Deku had not said yes, this is by law and definition rape, not full blown but it's still rape. If you get triggered by this do not read, thank you. ⚠️

Also Midoriya is in a different mindset, he doesn't know that he can say no, but he can't if you understand a bit. It's just that he doesn't know what is going on.

Bakugo woke up a bit, he saw two people throw someone into his cell, he sat up a bit, the person was mumbling.
"Ka-Katsuki?" Bakugo smiled, he moved close to him, "w-where is Shoto?"
"I don't know... I was knocked out. I don't know if he was taken or... left for dead." Bakugo hugged Deku, "I'm glad you're safe, even if you are going insane."
"I-I can't remember."
"Well, you killed Endeavor. Pretty gory really."
"And All Might?"
"He's... he's alive." Bakugo said, Deku looked at him, a small smile on his face, then he shook his head, "hey hey hey... Izuku, listen to me." Bakugo pulled him close, Deku shook his head again, cupping his ears. Bakugo kissed his cheek, Deku then hugged him, Bakugo just held him on the floor and Deku cried. He remembered what All Might had told them, he can hear voices, Bakugo grabbed his shoulders. "Deku look at me, you have to stay sane, you go insane you could hurt me."
"I want it to stop." He said.
"I know."

Shigaraki wasn't happy, Toga would and could tell anyone about what happened earlier, but he needed to make Deku happy, he sighed as he heard everyone fight.
"Shut it." He said, "where is Deku?"
"Locked up. He almost attacked Twice." Mr. compress said, Shigaraki sighed, "you need to get that pet under control."
"He's not a pet." Toga yelled. "He's a human!"
"How? All he dose it talk about is that pest Shoto Todoroki! The son of Endeavor, he's gone insane!"
"Because we made him insane!" Toga stood up, "do you realize every time we wipe a memory from him the more insane he gets, he can't remember what his own mother looks like, he's in pain, he can't understand what he's doing."
                  "Why are you acting like this Toga?" Mr. compress asked, Toga looked at him, Dabi sighed.
                   "Why don't you see it?" Dabi asked, "she's right, we our selves aren't helping him, we are making him worse."
                    "He came to us." Kurogiri said, All For One sat at the end, "with All Might and Endeavor dead we can now move onto our plan." Dabi sighed and stood up, him and Toga walked off.
                     "Midoriya is with Bakugo, they think if he went insane he could do their dirty work. Go check on them, I got Shoto." Toga nodded and they went their separate ways.

                  "Don't hurt him, I just got him to sleep." Bakugo said when he saw Toga walk in, "he couldn't stop talking about voices and Todoroki." Bakugo looked at the green hair boy, he moved some hair out of his face, Toga sat down, she gave Deku a sad look.
                    "He's never getting better."
"Not on my watch. He'll get better, his friends and family need him."
"He can't remember what they look like though."
"He will." Toga heard something, she stood up and turned to the door, Shigaraki walked in, he pushed Toga to the side, and looked at Bakugo.
"Hand him over." Bakugo held Deku close, Shigaraki looked at Bakugo, "now."
"Go to hell." Shigaraki grabbed Bakugo by the throat leaving his pinkies out, he pinned Bakugo to the wall, Bakugo looked at him through one eye. "Wake him up I dare you." Shigaraki dropped the boy, he then picked up Deku. "No! DEKU!" But it was too late, Shigaraki already left, Toga held back her tears. "No! Don't kill him! NO DEKU!" Bakugo started to cry, he punched the ground, "IZUKU MIDORIYA! DEKU! DAMMIT!"

"Bakugo?" Todoroki asked himself as he heard the yelling, "Deku." Todoroki looked up when the door opened, "what's going on, where is Midoriya and Bakugo?"
"That's not important right now." Dabi said, Todoroki looked at him, he started move trying to break out.
                       "Katsuki! KATSUKI!" Shoto yelled, "BAKUGO!"
                        "Shut it!" Dabi slapped Shoto, the red/white haired boy looked up at the taller male, Dabi grabbed his chin, "look I don't know what is going on between you and Midoriya, but you can't just act out like that, Shigaraki tortured Midoriya and he won't be afraid to torture you in front of Midoriya, you want to keep that boy alive you better shut it."

Deku looked at Shigaraki, he didn't know what was happening, everything was foggy to him, Shigaraki walked up to him.
"Why hello Izuku." Shigaraki grabbed his chin, then kissed him, Deku tried to pull away, but the taller male held him down, Delu was crying. "Shh... you don't need to do that... it'll be okay, I'll take care of you." Shigaraki said as he pulled away, he wiped away Deku's tears. The smaller boy couldn't talk nor move, he was being held down by ropes and a cloth was in his mouth, Shigaraki moved some hair out of Deku's eyes, the boy looked away, memories came back to before he became a villain, the yelling and screaming of his, telling the older male to stop.
"Don't cry Izuku, don't cry." Shigaraki kissed the boy's neck, the memories faded away, the warmth of Shigaraki's body calmed him, "all I need from you is a yes." The blue haired male whispered into the green hair boy's ear, the smaller boy nodded, Shigaraki smiled. He kissed the boy again, taking off the gag, he pulled the male close, bringing his hips to his pelvis, he pinned him more into the wall he was tied to.
"Mump." Deku moaned, the taller male smiled, up zipping the boy's pants, he pulled them down, "ow." Deku gasped out, Shigaraki kissed him again, he kissed the tears away, he tried to make this less painful.

"DEKU!" Bakugo yelled, "Dammit, Izuku... I'm sorry." Bakugo said, he pulled his knees up to his chest and started to cry, he was alone, he didn't know if Todoroki was alive or not, he didn't know if the heroes where ever gonna find them, and most importantly he didn't know where Deku is or if he's hurt.

But all he knew is that he had to get out of there and save Deku.

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