Endeavor has been ended?

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This is a shorter chapter and I'm sorry, but it's getting to a somewhat good part.     

All the Heroes just stared at the bloody mess in the Todoroki's household, All Might watched from the TV as they announced the death of Endeavor, and how Midoriya was now wanted for two cases of manslaughter.
               "We're out of food." Inku sighed, "and I don't want to be bombarded by the press."
                "I can get Aizawa to get us some groceries." All Might said, he stood up and walked over to Inku, he pulled her close, she sighed.
                "He has a class to teach and a kids to save." Inku said, she kissed All Night's cheek, "I'll be back." She grabbed her bag and put on her shoes, then left, All Might looked at the TV again.
                  "Young Midoriya why are you doing this?"

                 "Izuku." Bakugo ran to the boy, he had blood coming from his lower end a bit, "oh Izuku what happened?" He hugged Deku.

"We need to find them." The chief said, All Might looked down, "and bring in Midor-" he stoped everyone looked at the door, there stood Toga, she had a worried look, she walked in as everyone pulled out guns and weapons. She placed down a pice of paper.
"If you hurt Deku, we won't hesitate to hurt you back, but it would be nice to have a fight." She said and walked off, All Might picked up the paper.
"It's a address." He said, Aizawa grabbed it and looked at the paper, he read over it.
"She's basically turning them in." He said, "why?"
"Midoriya." All Might stood up and ran after Toga. "What happened?" He asked she didn't say anything, "why would you turn yourself in? What is so bad that you have to-"
"Shigaraki has plans for Deku, and I don't like them! I can't see him hurt, he has that boom boom kid and icy hot." She said, "Deku will do anything he can to keep Todoroki safe, but Bakugo? Who knows."
"They're alive?" All Might asked.
"Yes but I don't know for how long." Toga said, All Might started down, "Shigaraki knows how much Deku cares for his friends, he'll use that against Deku, but there's more.."
"That is?" Toga didn't meet All Might's eyes. "Toga?"
"He kissed him! Kissed him! A minor! Deku didn't know what was going on and took it!" Toga said, she started to cry, she hugged All Might, the hero was shocked, "wait, how are you alive?"
"That's not important."
"Kinda is, Deku killed Endeavor because he thought he killed you. His main plan was to kill Endeavor while the others thought taking both of you out would be a great idea. You know Kill endeavor get all might, kill all might get endeavor. Type thing."
"What dose that even mean?"
                                 "I don't know." Toga said, "But I need to head back, Bakugo can't keep Midoriya asleep forever ya know?"
"Is there anything else that we need to know?" All Might asked, Toga didn't say anything, "is there."
"It's not my place to tell." She then walked off.

Deku sat up a bit, he groaned in pain, "huh?" He looked up, to see that he was in Bakugo's arms, Deku smiled, he felt warm.
                  "Don't, Just go back to sleep." Bakugo said pulling the green boy close, Deku hugged him, tears ran down his eyes. "What's wrong green bean?"
                    "I don't know, I don't know." Deku said, "don't leave me. I feel alone." Then the door opened, Todoroki was thrown in, Bakugo smiled Deku got up and walked over to him.
                    "Shoto." Todoroki looked up, he kissed Deku, the boy kissed back, Bakugo laughed and joined in. "I'm sorry."
                      "It's okay, you don't need to be sorry." Todoroki said, "we need to get out of here." The two nodded, Shoto hugged Deku, "thank you."
"F-For what?" Deku asked, Shoto smiled.
"For saving me."

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