Kill, Kill, Kill

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          "Shoto~ Shoto Todoroki~ my love." Todoroki looked up at the window, he kept hearing this voice, it sounded like Midoriya but it wasn't, he laid back down. Then a sound of a window breaking got him out of bed, he grabbed a bat, he got closer to the kitchen, then stoped.
             "Uraraka?!" The girl looked at him, so did Iida, Bakugo, and Kirishima. "What the hell?"
              "We wanted to make sure that you were okay, with Deku acting so crazy and the rumors, we wanted to make sure you weren't the target." Kirishima said, Todoroki sighed, he pointed to the window.
              "You broke into my house!"
              "Shoto." Endeavor walked in, he saw the five teens, then he looked at Todoroki, "explain."
                "Don't worry Endeavor I got this."
                "You have to be more careful Shoto. Midoriya is still out there." He then walked off.
                "If Midoriya's plan is to kill Endeavor and kidnap me I would gladly go with him." The five laughed, "come on, I'll give you guys food and you guys and camp out front to 'keep watch' if that makes you feel better."

Deku sat on the side of a building, he watched as Endeavor did his patrol, Toga was on the other side of the street, Twice was a normal person looking at a window, even though it was 5 am. Endeavor didn't blink an eye, he met up with All Might and present Mic, he looked at Toga.
               "E-Er-Eri?" He said, when he saw her, the white haired girl, Midoriya shook his head, he let go of the building, Toga ran over to him, Eri looked. She let go of Mic's hand and walked over to the alley, but there was nothing, All Might grabbed her hand.
"You okay?" Toga asked, Midoriya nodded, Twice ran in the alley, he looked at the two.
"We need to get out of here." Toga nodded, they got Midoriya up on his feet and ran, Midoriya stoped. "Deku please."
                 "Todoroki, Todoroki!! Todoroki!" Deku kinda started to act like a child, he had tears in his eyes, "kill kill kill... kill Endeavor! Kill All Might! Kill Endeavor!" He looked at Toga and Twice, he had a mean look, breaking out of their hold he ran, pulling out a knife, Endeavor stoped him. "Kill kill kill." He kicked the fire hero to the ground, All Might turned to see Deku on top of Endeavor a gutting knife was held above his head, All Might tacked him, Deku stabbed him. Toga pulled him away, and they ran, Endeavor ran to All Might.
"Dammit All Might, stay awake for me okay?"

                   "Izuku Midoriya is Wanted, if you have any information on his whereabouts or if you have seen him, call the police or a pro hero-" the news reporter stoped, they gasped, "no... ahem... I regret to in from you, the symbol of peace and number one hero All Might was just pronounced dead. Izuku Midoriya will now be wanted for murder of a pro hero and attempted murder of another hero." The whole country of Japan was quiet, Deku sat in front of the TV, he shook his head, he punched the floor.
               "Wrong person, Wrong person. Endeavor, Endeavor, Endeavor!" Dabi sat in a chair at a table, he was watching Deku, the boy twitch his head again, "no no... can't can't... no no, don't hurt don't hurt."
                "Hurt who Deku?"
               "Hurt Todoroki, I want Todoroki! I WANT Todoroki!" He stomped his foot, his anger was getting to him, "Endeavor! Endeavor must go! Must go." He started to Pace back and forth. Dabi sighed. "We killed the wrong hero! I killed the wrong hero."
                  "Don't worry we will kill Endeavor."

At the hospital Ms. Midoriya ran down the hall, Aizawa held her back, All Might sat in the hospital bed, he smiled at her, she ran to him.
            "If you died on me I think I would've had a heart attack." She kissed his cheek, All Might hugged her close, she cried. "Why is he doing this?"
              "The villain Inku, he won't stop til they want him to." All might said, she looked at him, tears in her eyes, she hugged him.
             "Bring my baby home. Please." She said.

             "ALL MIGHT?!" All of Class 1A yelled.
             "We need to keep this on the down low, we can't let the public know, if they do the villains won't be happy and will try and attack Endeavor." Aizawa said, "we want you guys to help, this will be a full blown mission, we find Midoriya and get him back to normal, he can't know All Might is alive."
                "Are you sure that's a good idea!" Iida asked, everyone looked at Aizawa, the teacher sighed.
                 "No, but Midoriya might be able to remember some stuff." All Might said, "but this is more then a rescue mission.. this is more dangerous then any else we have done Before, no amount of training will help you." Everyone nodded, knowing what they were gettin go into.

Deku walked down the hall of the Todoroki house, he had a crazed look in his eye, he smiled at Todoroki, the boy looked up to see Deku. "Deku!" Todoroki walked to him, but then stop, the look in his eyes didn't set with him. "Midoriya what... Midoriya.." Deku stepped closer to Todoroki, he grabbed Todoroki's shirt and pulled him close and kissed him, his hands were all bloody.
"I love you Shoto... I love you, I love you, I love you!" He said, Todoroki started at him, "you are mine! All mi-" Bakugo put a arm around his neck, "no no no! Let go let go!"
"Calm down Deku." Deku froze, he slumped down, his eyes closed, Todoroki and Bakugo looked at each other.
"I think you did it." Todoroki said, Bakugo nodded, they walked out of the room, and looked into Endeavor's room, it was a bloody massacre, but what really got their eye was Endeavor, he had his eyes open and a fearful look in his eyes, blood ran down from his mouth, his flames were out, and he wasn't breathing. But what really got them was, his stomach was cut open, and his guts were all over the bed, he looked beaten, and like he didn't have a chance to defend himself.
"Shoto." Bakugo said, he tried to stop Todoroki from walking into a crime scene, Dabi walked behind them.
"He did that for you, ya know?" Dabi asked, Todoroki didn't looked at the villain, Bakugo looked at the two, "he loves you so much that he took away Endeavor to be with you." Dabi put his hands on Todoroki's shoulders, "you can't fix him."
"But I will try."

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