A Normal Day? 

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Everything seemed to be going as normal, of course Deku got asked a lot of questions for people he knew and didn't know, the press were on his tail, and well he just feels like everything was not on his side. At lunch, he ate in the Hallway, Aizawa walked by, then he stoped and walked backwards to Deku.
"Midoriya?" Izuku looked up, "what are you doing?" The teacher sat next to the green haired boy.
"Everyone keeps asking me how I feel... I got kidnapped by villains, no one even noticed till later, I was scared..." deku didn't look at Aizawa, he looked at his wrapped arms, tears in his eyes, "they treat me like a 'hero' like I'm popular, I don't like it... I hate the questions, I hate this attention, I hate everything." He started to cry, Aizawa gave him a sad look, then pulled him into a hug.
"Midoriya, it's okay to feel like this, you haven't really have time to understand what happened and HOW you should feel, people are asking questions that you yourself do not want to answer, they are invading your space." Deku looked at his home room teacher, "I would feel the same way if I was in your shoes Midoriya, it's okay. But things can't get better or worse, you can choose." He stood up, "don't be late, but if you are, that's fine with me." Aizawa then walked off, most likely to get some coffee.

The days went on, and it was the same, All Might always stepped in front of the press, but then one day someone asked it.
"Izuku Midoriya! Is it true you agreed to join the villains?" All Might looked at the reporter, principal Nezu looked kinda worried, Deku froze, so did some students. "Midoriya?"
"It time for you guys to go." All Might said.
"Wait." Deku turned to the group of reporters, "how did you get that?" He asked, "I'm pretty sure that's only for cops and heroes to know."
"I have my ways." Deku listened closely to the voice, Toga, the reporter smirked and attacked Deku, he flipped and landed. All Might and Aizawa was ready for a fight, but Deku stoped them. "Oh Little Midoriya! Come on come on! In brace your inner Villain!" Toga changed but at least she was wearing clothes.
"I only agreed because my friends were in danger!" He said to her, the 'Yandere' just smirked, "leave me alone. Please."
"Don't cry little Izuku." She stepped to him but then her leg got frozen, Todoroki pulled Deku back while the teacher dealt with her, but that was only the tip, Dabi was in their classroom, a smirk on his face, everyone couldn't fight, they knew that, Todoroki stood in front of Deku, Uraraka and Iida were at his side, Bakugo pulled Deku back into the hall, that's where Eijiro Kirishima and Denki Kaminari protected him, but it was too late, Shigaraki and Kurogiri were behind the group, Kurogiri grabbed Deku.
"IZUKU!" Momo yelled, she tried to make something but Shigaraki grabbed her hand, burning the skin, Kirishima and Kaminari tried to fight the blue haired man but he hurt them too.
"Toga, Dabi fall back." Kurogiri then disappeared. The four in the classroom ran out, they saw their class, but no Deku.
"Dammit!" Bakugo yelled, he fell to his knees, "Dammit nerd." He cried, Midnight ran over but it was too late, she shook her head.
"They got him."

"NO! NO! I won't! Don't please!" Deku yelled and screamed, they tied him to a chair again, "let me go!" He tried using One for All but it didn't work, it was hopeless.
"You agreed, you work for us!" Shigaraki grabbed his chin, but he left one finger off, "you belong to us."
"I don't work for anyone." Shigaraki sighed, they were in a warehouse, Toga looked bored, since she couldn't do anything to Deku, and there were a few other people that Deku didn't recognize.
"Tell twice or Dabi to find some with a mind quirk." Shigaraki said to toga who nodded and left, Deku sighed, he needed to get out of here, he tried to wiggle out of the bonds but it was no use.

It was a month, a very long month, no one could find Deku, no one knew where he was, they held a funeral for him, Ms. Midoriya just cried as they put a empty casket into the ground, All Might hugged her. All his friends stood there, all the teachers felt bad for it keeping Deku safe, Todoroki and Bakugo felt the most responsible. Toga and Twice sat on a roof watching everything, Shigaraki was down there, and so was Dabi, that had to at least pay their respects to Ms. Midoriya.
               "He must've been a good man." Shigaraki said to her, he held her hands, she tried to pull away, "to bad those villains took him to soon." He pulled away and walked off, Ms. Midoriya pulled her hands close to her chest, All Might walked next to her.
                "Do you know him?" All might shook his head.

A year passed, then two, then three. Izuku Midoriya had been missing for three years, and people thought he was dead, but they didn't know the truth.
      A figure ran on top of buildings, two more got next to them, they did flips from going to one building to the next, they soon got to Endeavor's house. "I got this, stay outside and keep watch." The two nodded, the unknown figure then jumped off and landed on the roof, he slid down to the ground, he landed nicely and quietly, he opened the door. He saw endeavor asleep on the bed, pulling out a knife they got ready to kill, but then ice ended up on his hands knocking the knife out of his hands and making him stick to the wall, the lights turned on, Endeavor and Todoroki stood in the doorway.
             "They really did send someone after you." Todoroki said, Endeavor didn't look happy, the figure was trying to get out of the ice, then his hood came off.

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