Take me baby, or Leave me...

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The glistening of the stars was a sight very uncommon to Bdubs considering he spent most nights sleeping soundly. However, tonight was different. After a few debatable messages between a few working hermits in need of the night sky, Bdubs was convinced to allow the night to come without disruptions. He stood quietly and a bit uncomfortably on the balcony of the town hall, rubbing his arms and looking out across the glimmering lights of the shopping district. It was kind of strange seeing the way all the shops lit up the night. He never really used to notice the little details in the street lamps, or the glow of lit lanterns.
"Are you heading home yet, Night Master?"

Bdubs stood up straight, turning and spotting a smug Cub leaning in the balcony's doorframe. He grimaced for a moment before turning back to the lights, "If you must know I'm heading home whenever I feel like it."

Cub chuckled and walked besides the brunette, crossing his arms as he spoke, "I was just curious is all. Scars still in his office, but I think it's time for the mayors number two to head home."

Bdubs' eyes widened as he watched Cub pull out a rocket and his elytra. He felt his face scrunch up as he blustered, "What point are you trying to make mister enforcer-"

But before Bdubs could finish, he was left coughing in a cloud of Cubs rocket dust. Bdubs growled and stomped into the building, storming into his office and slamming his door shut.

"I can't believe that guy! Who does he think he is, implying he's Scars number two. I'm definitely his number two..." he paused, glancing around his office before sitting down quietly in his chair and whispered to himself, "...am I his number two?"

Bdubs pondered for a moment before curiosity consumed him. He jumped out of his chair and ran to the door, peaking quietly through and staring over towards Scars office. From what he could tell, the door was slightly ajar and he could just barely make out Scars silhouette at his desk in the dim light.


Bdubs jumped and slammed his door once more, turning to see a familiar feline lying on his desk. He sighed and wandered over, rubbing her head gently, "It's just you Jellie. You really know house to scare a man."

Jellie purred and rubbed her head into his hand. From what Bdubs could tell she looked pretty sleepy. He smiled and scooped her up in his arms, watching as she snuggled into his warm chest. He sighed, "At least you like me better that that dumb Enforcer. Who does he think he is, Jellie?"

Jellie purred.

"I guess it makes sense. They have known each other longer and spent more time together. I am kind of new and I'm not really great at talking to people... Maybe I should just head home for the night." Bdubs ranted. He gently placed down the soft cat on his chair and began gathering his belongings, taking a moment to pat the cat on the head one last time before pulling out his rockets.

"I'll see you later Jellie," he waved as he began walking out of his office. But right as he reached the balcony he felt the rocket rip  apart from his hand. He turned to face the thief but was met much lower with the bright eyes of a feline, "Jellie I need that!"

The cat did nothing but stare deeply into his eyes. Bdubs attempted to grab the rockets back but Jellie was to quick, leading the builder around the top floor of the townhall and disappearing behind an open door. Bdubs rushed after her, bursting into the room she disappeared in.

"Jellie I need those back so-" he paused, eyes meeting the pools of emerald green of the shopping districts one and only mayor. Jellie sat quietly and confidently on Scars lap, rocket still in her grasp.

"Oh Bdubs! I had a feeling this was yours." Chimed Scar. He picked up the rocket - with no reluctance from Jellie - and handed it up to the brunette. "Are you doing okay? You seem a... little ruffled?"

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