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" I didn't want to marry her, I didn't even want to be king yet"

Fitz POV

    The sun was rising and reluctantly Sophie and I bid each other good bye. Sophie ran back to her side while I hopped onto the stepping stones onto the other side.

    After running, I finally made my way to the castle.

   I just hope no one spotted me sneaking out, I thought as I hurried through the halls.

   When I finally reached my room, I sighed and closed the door. Thank goodness no one caught me. I wasn't really sleepy surprisingly so I decided to head to the library to read. 

   I picked the book I read half way, ' The Way to Rule a Kingdom'. It was boring stuff on how to rule the kingdom. My father made me read this book, saying that I had to learn how to rule some day as soon he will hand the kingdom over to me.

   I groaned. I wasn't even ready to rule a kingdom. I didn't even say I wanted to rule a kingdom. Ever since we knew Alvar was a betrayer, I was chosen to be the next king. I didn't mind when I was younger cause it was one of my dreams but now being older, I had a change of heart.

   " Your Majesty, King Alden has requested you," a maiden said, bowing.

   I nodded and thanked the maiden before heading to my father's office. 


   " Father, you wanted to see me," I said as I opened the door.

    Alden looked up from his paper work. 

    " Yes, Fitz. The Songs would be visiting us today and I want you to be ready to meet your future Queen and bride. Do you understand?" Alden asked.

    I wanted to protest but I knew it was no use, " Of course, father."

    " They will be arriving in about half an hour. I suggest you get ready," Alden said before he got back to his paper work.

     I sighed and walked out of his office. After closing the door, I went to my room, needing to change. I decided to go with simple. I wore my white vest over my white shirt. I placed on a blue suit and together with it was white pants. Okay... maybe not so simple.

    " Your Majesty, the Songs have arrived," a maiden came in, once I finished changing.

    " Thank you," I said before I went downstairs.

    I joined the rest of the family outside the palace. A light blue carriage arrived and Mai and Quan Song stepped out first, followed by Tam and then Linh. Not going to lie Linh looked beautiful. Her hair was tied into a bund with a purple flower in it. Accompanying it, she wore a purple dress that was perfect for a evening dress. The Songs bowed before we did.

   " King Alden, a pleasure to see you again," Quan Song greeted.

   " Pleasure is mine, Quan. Now, let's go in shall we?" Alden said as he lead us to the dinning room.

   Linh curtsied and I bowed.

   " Fitz Vacker," Linh said.

   " Linh Song, nice seeing you again. Same for you Tam," I greeted.

   Tam nodded and followed Biana. I looked at Linh before leading her to the dining room...

Author's Note: Does anybody else think this is just nothing much? Cause I think so. Tomorrow is the release of my results... Wish me luck. To be honest, I don't think I did well or am I over worrying. Nevermind. Hope you guys like the chapter! ;)

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