[5] Complicated

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Chapter 5: Complicated

Loren's P.O.V:

After dinner with Ariel, we all decided to chill out back in her apartment. As Ariel being herself, she called the guys to come join us as well. I asked if I could try asking Payton to come and join us as well. Ariel didn't mind at all and so I ranged him up on my phone (yes we did exchange numbers) and he was all in.

The door bell rings and the first to arrive were Harvey, Connor and Landon. As Ariel gets the popcorn ready, Harvey takes the seat next to me.

"Hey? How's the night been for you?" He asks.

It was a really out-of-the-blue kinda question, but I didn't think much about it. I mean, it was just out of concern and a nice gesture.

"Yeah, it's been great. Had a dinner date with Ariel at a sushi place, which was really good by the way. We all should eat there together some time." I smile and he smiles from ear to ear.

"Glad you had a great night." He replies and turns to his friends for their small talks.

The door bell rings and I instantly knew who it could be. I rush to the door and open it. And of course, it was Payton.

"Hey there! Thanks for inviting me." He steps forward and gives me a warm hug.

"No problem! Welcome in." I gesture him in and close the door behind us.

"Payton is here everyone!"

Everyone stops whatever they are doing and turns to look at Payton, who by the way looks really well dressed. He really has some good fashion sense, I'm feeling it.

They all greet him and the party continues on. I sit back on my original seat, which was next to Harvey, and Payton sits on my left.

"So...have you talked to your partner yet? Like your online buddy?" He asks.

"Yeah, he seems really nice. How about you?"

"Things aren't going so well. From the attitude she was giving me through the screen, she probably belongs to one of the sassiest groups in school."

"Oh god. But did you work things out with her or was she still being sassy about everything?"

"Nope. I couldn't even say a single word to her. She just wouldn't listen. I guess I just won't talk to her for the rest of the month. There is no way to convince me to talk to her again. No way. I'm done."

I have never seen him in such a distressed state. He was really troubled and he looked so sad.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and bring in a hug. I felt like he needed it. He needed reassurance.

"Thanks." He smiles as he hugs me tighter.

Harvey's P.O.V:

As I stop listening to the small conversation me, Connor and Landon were having, I slowly drift my head and look towards Loren and...

That popular-guy-that-I...you know what? He doesn't even deserve a name at the very start. He is literally trying to flirt with Loren. Not that I care but what if he starts dating her and hurts her feelings? He looks like a player to me and there is no way I'm letting Loren close to him. Not on my watch.

I could not help but to give him a death stare and hoped he would leave Loren alone. As much as I knew Loren invited this idiot, I didn't want anything bad to happen.

As he got up and left, Loren turns to me and we start talking about our favourite childhood cartoons as we watched some that were playing on the television in front of us. I feel my heart beat so fast when she moved herself closer to me. It felt so right, but I knew I should keep my distance. She probably doesn't feel the same way either.

The cartoons go on and soon I feel a head land on my left shoulder. My heart stops and I couldn't breathe. I didn't want her to hear my heart pumping at racing speed. I didn't want to give it away. I slowly take small breaths and hoped she wasn't awake. I turn my head to look at her face and there she was, sleeping so soundly on my shoulder. Not gonna lie, I really wanted to stay like this forever. She looked really...adorable.

My eyelids soon get heavy and I let them fall as I watched the light from the television go dimmer, little by little.

3.00 a.m.

I wake up to an aching neck and as I try to bend it back upright, the sharp pain caused me to wince in pain, but I quickly bit my lip to avoid any sound escaping my lips.

Loren was still sleeping and now her hand slipped from my shoulder down to my lap. I couldn't wake this beauty up, but if I don't wake her up, I won't be able to go back to my apartment.

Ariel was dead asleep back in her room and everyone left except for the three of us. Wait. That means my friends saw me and Loren like this? Oh my god, this is so messed up.

I slowly push her head away from my shoulder and carefully laid her head down on the couch. Thankfully, she was still sound asleep. Before I left, I watched her for a while and got her a blanket to warm her cold skin. It was freezing cold in their apartment, so I turned down the thermostat as well. I went back to check on Loren one last time and I planted a light kiss on her forehead. I mean, she's not gonna know I did that. Not even when she wakes up later. She won't know.

I slowly walk out of their apartment and headed back to mine, which I was greeted by the sight of sleepy Connor as he was trying to find me.

"How did you sleep huh?" He smirks and I instantly knew what he was talking about.

"It was fine. Nothing much. You must have been sleeping like a pig huh?" I giggle and he slaps me hard on my back.

"Okay, okay. Chill. It was just a joke, Connor." I couldn't stop laughing.

I head into the apartment and into my room. I shut the door behind me and got fresh new clothes to change in. I gave myself a nice warm shower and changed.

I fluff the pillows and jumped on the bed. My head sink into the soft pillows and I let my eyes close and sink into dreamland.

One More Chance ✔ | Larvey (HRVY and Loren Gray)Where stories live. Discover now