[7] In the Middle

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Chapter 7: In the Middle

Harvey's P.O.V:

The recess bell rings and everyone scurries to the cafeteria, leaving me alone back in the classroom. Loren, Ariel and Payton left to get some light snacks while Connor and Landon decided to go play football at the field.

I sneak out my phone from my bag and got out my earpieces to listen to some music. I was going to be alone for the whole recess anyways, so I decided to take advantage of that and took out a piece of paper.

I was an art student in my previous school and have participated in many art competitions. Although I never won any sadly, but I must say my drawing skills are way better than when I first started.

I was taught to draw human-like figures by using mannequins as a reference for the poses. Since I didn't have one physically with me, I searched up one online and started to draw.

I drew the blue eyes, followed by the blonde hair which was tied up into a sleek ponytail. I added on with a grey hoodie and finished off with her rip jeans.

I did not realise for a moment who I actually drew. It also did not take me a moment to realise why I drew her.

It was Loren, sitting down on the side of her bed. I drew her from the point of a phone rear camera, which was to recreate a selfie of herself.

I glanced at the clock and it was 5 mins more till the end of recess. No one was back in class yet, which I guess was a good thing. It's weird to see someone drawing someone else from our class and we also hardly just knew each other.

Speaking of the devil, Loren walks in and I instantly felt the need to go to the bathroom. I walk out of the classroom and headed to the bathroom without drawing as much attention as possible.

Maybe we weren't meant for each other.

Loren's P.O.V:

Harvey walks out of the classroom, head down and with his hands in his pockets. He was acting kind of weird, but it might be just me not knowing him that well. And the weird thing was that it was 5 minutes till the end of recess. Our next period teacher comes early to class as well.

I tried to leave him a text but there was no response. He didn't read it, neither did he reply.

After that night we were in the party together, everything seemed to change between us. We weren't talking to each other as much as before, we weren't hanging out after school together. It was like there was a sudden barrier between us. I felt like I didn't know him and he didn't know me either. We were back at square one.

I don't know. I'm like basically caught between two guys. I know I shouldn't be liking two guys at once but I don't know how I ended up in this position either.

Payton sits down next to me after having enough time at the cafeteria but I stand up and rush to the bathrooms. The girl's bathrooms and the boy's are oddly placed right next to each other in this campus, which is weird but we all rolled with it.

As I cautiously walked towards the corridor connecting the two bathrooms. I didn't want to draw any unnecessary attention unless I'm very sure that he was around. There was a corner before you enter the corridor. As I walked around it, there he was. He was crouching down, staring into blank space. He wasn't moving much, but in his hand he held a pencil. It was those pencils you would use for sketching purposes, which I used as well.

"Hey? It's time for lessons now. Let's head back." I ask and he quickly looks up to see me.

"U-uh yeah. Let's go. Sorry. Am I late?" He slowly stands up from his position and regains his balance.

One More Chance ✔ | Larvey (HRVY and Loren Gray)Where stories live. Discover now