9- Parents Day

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It was Monday and today instead of classes, our parents can come and visit us to see how we're doing. If they wanted to at least. I headed down to the common room so I could grab Allison so when our parents arrive, they can see us.

"Hey, there. Ready for parents day?" I hear voice from behind me say. I instantly knew it was Draco.

"I guess so. Question is..are you ready? I know you and your father aren't that great with each other." I asked turning around and walking toward the couch he was on.

"I'll be fine. I'm used to it. I'm just nervous to meet your parents." He asked patting the empty spot on the couch next to him so I could sit next to him.

"You're going to be fine. They love everyone." I said taking the seat next to him.

"Guys! It's parents day! You guys get to meet my parents!" Sadie said rushing down to the couches where Draco and I were sitting.

"We get it Sadie. You're excited. Some people don't get to see there parents so please don't be like once we leave the room." Maddox said taking an apple from the bowl that was on the table.

"I won't. I promise. I'm just really excited to meet y/n's parents." Sadie said smiling.

"I'm sure every Quidditch team member is excited to meet my dad if they have the chance. Come on guys. We have to go get my sister." I said getting up from the couch.

Everyone followed me and we headed to the Hufflepuff common room to go and get Allison.

"Allison! We're here! Let's go because everyone's parents are almost here!" I shouted coming into the Hufflepuff common room.

"I'm coming. Who is all this." Allison said coming from a hallway and walking up to us.

"These are my friends.. there's Sadie, Maddox and the blonde haired boy is Draco." I said pointing to them as I called their names.

"Nice to meet you! Come on! I want to see mom and dad!" She said as she waved them ran out of the common room.

We all walked out to the entrance of Hogwarts and started seeing parents showing up and seeing kids seeing their parents after a while makes my heart warm.

"Sadie!" We all heard a voice shout. Sadie turned and saw her parents at the entrance waving at her.

"Mom! Dad!" She shouted as she ran away from us. We saw from a distance the big family hug.

"She must be happy I'm guessing." I asked Maddox and Draco.

"She loves her parents and they love her. She misses them everytime she has to come back to Hogwarts." Maddox said twiddling with his wand.

"Maddox! My boy!" We heard another voice shout.

"Speaking of parents..there are mine." Maddox said whispering to us before turning around and meeting with his parents.

As we saw parents and kids being reunited when Allison and I heard a familiar voice calling to us and it kept getting closer and closer. I turned around and saw my mom and dad walking toward Allison and I.

"Mom! Dad!" Allison screamed running up to them. I saw them do a group hug and looked at Draco's who's parents haven't come yet.

"Why don't you come with me? I'm sure they would love to see you." I said patting his arm. He smiled and we made our way to my parents and Allison.

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