Chapter 3. Isn't it a bit late?

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The three boys crept along the corridors of the dorm block. Jack in front, Hiccup behind Jack then Jim behind Hic. They tiptoed up the stairs and quietly filed into the girls section.
"Guys what I we get caught?! We could be thrown out of college!" Hiccup whispered anxiously. Jack raised his index finger to his lips to silence him.
"Live a little Hic." Jim chuckled from behind.
"Besides Hic, haven't you ever wanted to dance in the moonlight with Merida?" Jack said with a sarcastic swoon in his voice. Hiccup rolled his eyes and the boys advanced forward. Eventually they made it to their girlfriends dorm room and knocked on the door lightly. There was quite a bit of shuffling, then giggling and soon Rapunzel pulled open the door quietly. She was dressed in her Pyjamas and her thick framed reading glasses were perched on her button nose.
"What are you guys doing here?!" She whispered questioningly. Merida and Anya appeared at the door behind Punzie in almost an instant. Merida's hair was in curlers and she was dressed in one of Hiccup's old sweaters. Anya had a fuzzy green towel wrapped around her head.
"You do realise it's midnight...right." She said to them sarcastically. Nervously Hiccup glanced around behind them to make sure nobody would catch them.
"Well we wanted to take our wonderful girlfriends on a midnight stroll." Jack grinned. Rapunzel's glasses slid down her nose whilst she giggled but was soon interrupted as Jack pushed them back up before pecking her on the tip of her nose. The girls looked at each other before nodding.
"Let's go!" Merida announced. The six crept back through the dorm until they made it safely outside.
"Where are we going Jack?" Rapunzel asked curiously as she held onto his hand.
"To somewhere Hiccup found." He chuckled.
The midnight moonlight cascaded over the rippling water of lake Elise. Trees dotted around as a barrier protecting its mystical body of water, the grass was lush with very few dew droplets hanging to each strand. The six friends emerged from the forest out into the open next to the lake, each one of them staring in awe.
"This is beautiful.." Merida breathed. Hic snaked his arms around her waist and kissed her neck softly. Jack pulled out his phone and began to play Unchained Melody. He took hold of Punzie and they began to sway to the song together. Jim did the same with Anya, sweeping her off her feet like Cinderella and twirling her in the air. Merida rested her head in the crook of Hiccup's shoulder as they danced along.
"I want you to come stay with me tonight." Merida whispered into Hiccup's ear. "I love you Hiccup." She said. Just as Hic was about to reply his thoughts where interrupted by a massive splash coming from the lake and hysterical laughs from Anya. She was doubled over clutching her stomach whilst laughing. Merida, Hiccup, Jack and Rapunzel hurried over to see what the commotion was. A very wet Jim dragged himself from the lake laughing just as hard as Anya.
"!" She cried in between giggles. They all joined in until eventually they were diving in and splashing each other.

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