Chapter 10

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I waited for Bayne outside. I wore the original clothes I was dressed in. My glasses were in my sweatshirt pocket. Bayne came rushing down outside and slammed the door behind him. He was carrying a single bag with him.

"Go." He said, pointing forward.

The morning breeze brushed against my face as I walked forward. Ulrich came out.

"Wait." He commanded. We both stopped.

"Good luck, Erin. Be safe. Be cautious. Bayne will report to me daily. If there are any issues, you will be sent back here to prevent you as a risk to yourself and the public. Understand?"

"Yes. Thank you." I said.

"You can also contact me if you need me. I am busy, but I will answer for my son." He gave me his phone number.

It felt odd that their communication was texting. I had never seen any of them on a cellphone.

"Bayne. Behave. Do your job, and don't let anything happen to him. Understand?" Ulrich deepened his voice and looked down at him.

"Yes." He said sternly.

"Safe travels."

He left, returning inside.

Bayne didn't speak. I followed him out to a small vehicle.

"Werewolves still drive?" I asked.

"How else are we supposed to get around?"

"I don't know. Can you change into a werewolf during the day?"

"Yes. Disciplined wolves can. Doing it during the day can be a risk. Especially right now."

"What's going on right now?"

"Ask your dad. Now get in the car." He demanded.

I did as he said and slid into the passengers seat of the red car. Bayne began to drive right away. My stomach growled. I didn't think it was possible to miss dorm food.

I didn't bother making small talk with him. He had made it clear he had no interest in talking to me.

We arrived in New Haven several hours later. It was a cold and wet Tuesday. Bayne dropped me off next to my dorm.

"Going to find some parking in this damn place. I'll be back. Don't kill anyone."

I got out of the car and began walking into my building. I began to feel into my pocket for my dorm key, only to realize I lost it.

I heard a gasp. I looked up to see Nadine. She immediately thew her arms around me and squeezed me.

"Oh my god! Erin! We were so worried!"

"I'm okay. I promise."

She let up from her tight squeeze, but just barley.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was talking to your roommate, asking if he's seen you."

"I bet he didn't have much to say."

"No. He says he hasn't seen you in a while. We had the cops looking for you and everything, where were you?" She asked. She released me from her embrace to look at me.

"You look.. Different. What happened to you?"

"I got lost. Lost in the woods."

"Something attacked us, do you remember?"

"I think we were just drunk. Yeah. It was probably just a small animal."

"Small animal? It injured you and Pax!"

"Well, it wasn't too bad. It ran away and I got lost in the woods. Ended up on the other side and. Then I called for help."

"Why didn't you call us?"

It was hard to come up with lies to tell her. It was hard to lie to her face. She had always been honest with me and gave me a chance. I wish I could've done the same for her.

"I. I didn't want to worry you."

"WORRY US? Erin, we thought you were dead! I was so scared!"

"Sorry about him, he's kind of dumb sometimes." Bayne came up from behind me, holding a bag and keys in hand.

"Who's this?" Nadine raised a brow.

"This is my..Cousin. Yeah. Bayne. He's my cousin, my aunt and uncle's kid."

"You never mentioned him before." Said Nadine.

"He never mentions me. He thinks he's too cool for me. He's lucky my ass drove to pick him up from those woods."

Bayne even managed to insult me in front of my friends, while well maintaining a lie. I was annoyed, but a tiny part of me thought it was impressive.

"Well, nice to meet you. I'm Nadine, Erin's friend."

"You're the girl he always talks about, huh?" Bayne said.

"What? I. I-."

I didn't talk about her. Bayne was trying to make my relationships unnecessarily complicated for his own personal amusement.

"No worries, she's as pretty as you said. Anyway, thank you for your concern for my cousin here. He's alright now. Little shook up in the head, but otherwise should be normal. Right, Erin?"

"Right. Well, Bayne. Don't you have somewhere to be?" I suggested, hoping he would leave.

"Right. I'll see you tonight. At five, before sundown. Got it?" He said. I nodded.

Bayne turned and left.

"What a ray of sunshine." Nadine said.

"Tell me about it. He has good intentions though. I think."

I hoped.

Nadine joined me in the cafeteria. She watched me eat a ridiculous amount of food on my own. After that, I finally went back to my room. My roommate was in the spot I thought he would be.

"You're back." He said, not removing his face from his desk top screen.

"Yeah. I'm back. Here to stay, too."

"Great." He said.

My aunt and uncle called so many times, the police notified them of my disappearance. I talked to them for a long time, reassuring that they were alright. If only I could tell my aunt that her brother was alive.

I then emailed my teachers, most of them had been understanding that I had missed two days of class.

I had almost fallen asleep on my loft bed. My eyes flickered open to see the sun about to set. I climbed down and booked it outside to the front of Thornton Hall.

Bayne was there already. He looked impatient.

"About time!"

"Sorry. I almost-."

"Sorry doesn't cut it. Do you know what would have happened if you transformed in there? In front of everyone? You would've exposed yourself and us. Not to mentioned you might've killed someone! Do you want that? Do you want to kill the people you love?"

"No. I don't!"

"Then act like you don't. Hurry the hell up, the sun is almost gone."

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