Chapter Thirty - Brett.

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"Heart rate's good. BP's good. Have you experienced any bleeding or unusual pain?"

I shook my head.

"No. I feel fine."

"Are you ready to see how the little one's doing?"

I nodded and smiled.


"Let's take a look."

"Will you look at that?"

I smiled as I looked at the ultrasound machine.

"Looks like you have a beautiful, healthy baby. There's the heart. Right here's an arm. See how the baby's on its side?"

I nodded.


"Would you mind hanging tight for a bit? There's something I'd like to check before you go."

I sat up as she wiped off my stomach and pulled my shirt down.

"Of course. Is everything okay?"

"Let me just run a few tests, and we'll take it from there."

I nodded and sighed. I texted Jay who was waiting outside to come in.

"Hey is everything okay?"

"I don't know."

Jay walked over to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I was grateful for him, but I wanted Kelly here with me. After the appointment Jay drove me to the firehouse and he turned towards me as he parked in front of the house.

"Are you sure you want to go to work?"

I nodded.

"I have to talk to Chief, I'll be okay."

"Call me if you need anything."

"Thanks Jay."


I smiled as I stepped out of his truck. I walked up the driveway with my head down and walked straight to Chief's office. I knocked on the door and he waived me inside. I walked inside and came face to face with Kelly who was leaving.

"Everything okay?"

"All good."

He nodded as he looked back at Chief.

"I'll come back to sign the rest of the paperwork Chief."

Chief nodded and I waited for Kelly to leave. I sat down as he closed the door.

"I made a decision and this time it's not just mine. I was ordered to stop working as soon as possible."

"What's going on?"

I sighed.

"It's called placenta previa. Puts me at higher risk of a life-threatening hemorrhage in the third trimester."

"Everly, that's terrible."

I nodded.

"I can tell you from experience, all I can do is you tell you that everything is gonna be okay."

I dried the tears that came down my cheeks.

"What if it's not going to be okay? I don't know if you've noticed but Kelly Severide isn't the most stable person right now to take care of a baby."

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