I've Always Loved You (One Direction FanFic)

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Hey im Natalie this is my first  fanfic and i hope you like it if you look at my profile i said if you want an imagine or  one shot message me and ill make it :) enjoy tell me how you like it so i can make chapter 2 im also dedicating this story to my friend Jaiden @Gurl_Directioner


Jaiden's P.O.V

"Oh my god I cant wait Anne!! Harry will be here in less the 20 minutes!" Me and Harry are really close we have been friends for 16 years and he is only 2 months older then me and he is my bestfriend. Not only is Harry my bestfriend but through out the years i've fallen for him but im to afraid to tell him because I don't think he likes me back. But anyways Harry is coming home form tour today and he is coming to visit his mum before he goes home. He thinks he cant come visit me today because I told him I had the flu and that I didn't want him to get but I only said that so I could come to his mum Anne's house to surprise him.

    15 minutes later I ran upstairs to Harry's old room and hid then a few minutes later I heard Harry come through the front door. After he said hi to his mum she told him that there is a surprise upstairs in his old room. After she said that I heard him coming up the stairs so I got ready to pop out. He walked through his bedroom door and I popped out and shouted "Oh My Fucking God I missed you sooo much Harry!!!" then I jumped on his back and hugged him.

Harry's P.O.V

"Oh My God I missed you so fucking much!!!" was all I heard then

someone jumped on my back. Right then I noticed who it was so I spun

her around to face me and hugged her back. "Natalie!! I missed you to but I thought u said you had the flu and couldn't see me today?" "Well I lied so I could surprise you!" "okay well now since you surprised me I have 2 suprises for you so lets go its at my flat and since you live beside me it will be awesome!" I told her "and what might the suprises be Hazza?"

"you'll have to wait and see".

Jaiden's P.O.V

*at Harry's flat*

"K Jaiden you have to close your eyes and I will lead you inside" I did what I was told and closed my eyes. once we got inside I opened my eyes to see the rest of One Direction. I met the boys before but I havent seen them for a few months sincethey left for tour so I didn't freak out much. "OMG I MISSED YOU GUYS" I said and ran up to them and gave them all big hugs and a kiss on the cheek. "Hey I didn't get a kiss on the cheek" Harry said while pouting so I went up to him and kissed him on the cheek to. After catching up a bit Harry told me the second surprise "Okay well I sorted things out with management and your parents so I was wondering if you wanted to come on tour with us we leave in 3 weeks and the tour is 4 months long and if you wanna go then we wont die from missing eachother" I was in shock for a bit the when I went back to normal I yelled "of course ill go I cant wait!!".  I ended up staying the night at Harry's flat with him and the rest of the lads. After we had dinner we decided to watch a movie we all agreed on The Hunger Games, We got about half way throught the movie and got bored so we stopped watching it. "Im bored" Louis whined then he suggested we play truth or dare so we did.

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