Chapter 7 Shopping, a date,m and more...

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Natalie's pov

we were all talking and then noticed we have been talking for hours, i look at the time and it said 2:30 am "guys its already 2:30am" i yawn "wow" Harry says and stands up taking Jaiden with him as they go to their room to sleep and every one else leaves.Me and Niall were the only ones left and i smiled at him and he moved closer to me. "Babe?" he says i turn my head to say what and he crashes his lips into mine and i smile but then pull away and he pouts i giggle and stand up walking to our room and he follows saying tease. i giggle then shut the door and change i finish changing and turn around to see Niall staring at me "Like what you see?" i giggle and he blushes "yes, yes i do' he says back and i lay down he lays beside me and pulls me clsoe and we fall asleep.

~Next day~

i wake up to see Niall still sleeping and look at the time 12:00 pm i groan and wake Niall "hey wake up its already noon" he slowly wakes up "you and the guys get to hang out today im going to see if the girls want to go shopping" i smile but he pouts"i wanted to spend the day with you" he says "how about i go shopping for a bit then come back and we can go do something?" i ask he smiles and nods and i get up and walk to the living room to see the girls "Hey girls want to go shopping for a bit?" i ask the all nod and smile :okay be ready in a bout a half hour" i say and walk to my room to get ready i change and look for my wallet but can't find it then Niall walks up to me and hands me his credit card "you use this you dont need to spend your money" he says "fine" i say and take it i give him a quick kiss and walk back to the living room to see the girls waiting "lets go" i smile and we leave saying bye to everyone. we got out side and get into the car that was waiting for us, it brings us to the mall and we shop for a few hours then go home.

~Few hours later~

Jade's pov (dirty)

We came home and went inside all the girl brought their stuff into their room, i did the same and heard the shower must be Liam. I hear his phone go off and go look at it seeing its a text from...Danielle i dont open it but read what pops up it says 'Liam, im sorry and i miss you, i still love you' i read and get a little mad and a little sad i pick the phone up and walk to the bathroom and knock on the door, i hear the water turn off then a few minutes later Liam walks out and sees my expression "whats wrong babe?" he asks and i hand him the phone he reads it and looks me in the eyes "Jade" he sighs  "i dont care what she has to say i dont even like her anymore, you're the only one for me i love you not her just you' he says with a smile and i smile widely then crash my lips into his, he picks me up and carries me to the bed. He lays over top of me and licks my lower lip begging for entrance i gladly let him and it starts to get a little heated, i start tracing his abs and he starts kissing down my jaw line to my neck to give me a love bite, then kisses me again. i reach my hand down and play with the band of his boxers, he slips my shirt off of me and smile. i slip my hand into his boxers and pump his 10.2 inches as he moans, i keep doing it till he says he's going to cum when he does i move my hand put of his boxers and he kisses me i kiss back then he pulls away and stand up. "where you going?" i ask "oh well i have to go have another shower thanks to you" he chuckles i giggle "so your leaving me alone?" "wanna join?" he asks and winks, i smirk and stand up "sure" we go into the bathroom and have a shower, plus do a little more. ;)

After we get out i get dressed and go to the living room to see Natalie and Jaiden smirking at me then jaiden asks "did you loose your v-card?" i blush "n-no" i stutter "she did!!" Natalie shouts and i turn red. i turn around and walk back to my room and cuddle with Liam.

Niall's pov

I started getting ready for tonight because im taking Natalie out to dinner, "Babe?" i shout "Yeah?" she says and walks into the room "get ready we are leaving soon" i tell her "okay, fancy or casual?" she asks "Fancy" i smile. i finish getting ready and wait for her, when she comes out of the bathroom she looked stunning 'wow you look Beautiful" i smile and she blushes. "ready to go?" i ask and she nods we walk out and go down stairs and the girls complement Natalie and so do the guys. we say we'll be back later then leave. We get to the car and the driver brings us to Table 49 (real resturant in England) i smiled and helped Natalie out and we walked inside and Natalie looks in awe "this place is so nice" she says and i smile "yeah i was lucky i was able to make resurvations when you left earlier" i smile and we get brought to our table. i pull the chair out for her being a gentlemen and push her in then go sit down. we order and talk about how tour will be then i remember what i bought her. "Babe?" i say "yeah?" "i got you something' i smile and pull a dimond heart necklace out of my pocket and show her it "oh my god!" she gasp and i smile and snad up and put it on her "thank you so so much Ni" she says "anything for you babe" i smile she smiles back and our food comes and we eat the go and take a walk. Natalie ends up getting cold so i giver her my jacket then the driver comes and picks us up bringing us back home.


Hey guys quick update today ill update again soon im gonna be busy with my exams soon so ill try to update when i have free time hope you like this chapter and what Natalie is wearing will be on the side

love you guys

~Natalie :D

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