Chapter 8

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Taylor's (girl) POV

I decide to get up. I lifted myself off the bed, and walked.

"What are you doing?" Nash exclaimed in a serious tone.

"Idk. Dying..." I said in a soft tone, as if I was about to break down.

"Go ahead. It's not like anyone cares about you anyway." Jack G. said as if I was the only one there.

"You're right no one cares. So I guess there's no point for me to keep living." I said under my breath. I guess only some of the guys clearly heard because some of their eyes widened. I saw from the corner of my eye. Trevor, Shawn, and Connor, on the verge of tears.

I just want to tell those three, everything's okay, and they don't have to worry about me. They should really help the other guys out.

I may miss them. But. I just don't knows

"...bye guys...." And with that I left. I walked to the door of the room. Walked out, went to the front door. And left.

Cameron's POV

WHAT!??? SHE SAID SHE WAS GOING TO DIE? WHAT?!?!? nooooooo. This can't be happening.

I started to feel so bad. Part of me wanted to run after her and hold her. But the other part had remembered something. Something I can't go back to.....

Taylor's (guy) POV

Wait. WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!? IS SHE.. OMG... What did I do? Where did I go wrong? I didn't mean to go this far. (╥﹏╥)

Taylor's (girl) POV

Just kidding. I was still at the front steps of Cameron's house. I heard the door open. I turned around.

"con?" I said softly. It was Connor.

"Yea little sis its me." Connor said assuringly. I faint smile appeared on my face. I decided to tell Connor the truth. Who I really am, and where I'm really going.

"Connor?" I get Connor's attention.

"Yeee." Connor said making me giggle.

"I wanna show you something. But first. Take my hand." And with that, Connor took my hand, and I used my speed to bring him somewhere in the forest I found when I was a child.

The trees were green, and the plants were beautiful. And there was a small pond there. It was sparkling with sunlight shining on it.

"Wow Tay." Connor said in amazement.

"How'd we get here so fast?" Conner asked curiously without taking his eyes of of the pond.

"That's what I wanted to show you." Connor had a confused look on his face. I started bursting out into laughter at the way his expression looked. xD.

"Ok Connor. Look at the pond." I told Connor as he started to look at the pond.

I used my water powers to make a sting of water form, then made a spiral design with it.

"OH. MY. GAHD." Connor said in amazement.

"HOW'D YOU DO DAT?!" Connor asked.

"With magic." I said as I dropped the water spiral back into the pond.

"No. I'm serious Tay."

"MAGIC. IM SERIOUS." I assured Connor.

"Suuurrrreeee." 😑Srrsly Connor.

I decided to show him something else.



"Look" I turned into my vampire form. Connor's jaw dropped as I hissed, showing my fangs.

"NA. UH. IMPOSSIBLE." Connor said. I started laughing.

"Would it be impossible if I did this?" I brought my wrist to my mouth, bit it, and drew a little bit of blood from it.

"Believe me now?" I asked Connor. Then I turned into a wolf. You know. My werwolf side.


Connor's POV


Yea right. Maybe.... UGH AND POWERS TOOOOO. 😐damn.

"Coooooonnnnnnnoooorrr." Tay wined. Daawww so cute.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeee" I said to Tay.

"Look...." I looked at her... What she doin?

In a matter of seconds a saw orbs.

"Con. It's fire, water, ice, and earth. Some element powers I have." Tay said as she put the orbs infront of her.

Holy. Mother. Of. Pearl. SHE ACTUALLY HAS POWERS.


"Wow Tay. That was just." I first said in a disapproving tone. She started to make a pouty face.

"DAT WAS AAAAAWWWEESSHHOOOOMMMEEE" Tay started to smile. She ran up to me and hugged me. Daaawww. I missed her hugs.

"I missed you Con." I heard Tay say. I smiled as I looked down at her with her face nuzzled into my chest.

"I missed you too Tay." I kissed her forehead. I finally have my little sis back. 😌


Heeyy guys. btw. Connor and Tay aren't related. They're just really close friends so they consider themselves that. Well...

Baiiiii....for now....

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