VI - Slaughter Bay

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*trigger warning:

+ suffocation + helplessness + humiliation + vulnerability + excrement + dehumanisation +

*the full warning and list of triggers to be found in part 2


Whether it had been a long time since she had had her clothes peeled off of her or only a matter of minutes she couldn't have said and it wouldn't have mattered either way. She felt the chain she was affixed to stretch her to her limit and then some. She couldn't move anything anyway, why would they torture her too? She had just started getting some feeling back into her limbs and now all she got from it was the pain of being stretched too far!

There were more of the beings now, she couldn't see what they were doing to the man in front of her but apparently the chain was split here and it appeared to her that the beings were hovering around all the other people that had been sucked into the hole before her. The chain stopped and took off in a new direction after a moment, depositing her next in line. One of the beings came into closer view, close enough for her to really see it. It looked like a mix between a starfish, tree bark and the shell of a tortoise but before she could dwell on the oddity of the being it stuck some object to her exposed stomach. She wanted it to be taken off, especially after it began biting her but she could only endure what she was being put through. She felt like crying out when the being left her with the object still biting into her. It started crawling along her abdomen and to her backside, lodging itself on the back of her neck, biting into her all the way. At the same moment it stopped, much to her relief, the smell around her changed. Like an alarm the smell grew stronger and dissipated in quick succession. The being – or a being – came to her, detached the biter from her neck and started examining it. The being began to turn her around in her bindings, apparently examining her body. She wanted to give it a piece of her mind, tell it not to look at her like that, to give her back her clothing or some clothing at least and to bring her back home immediately. Right now the feeling that was most prominent in her mind was not fear but anger. Anger about how she was treated and incapacitated, handled like an object and not the sentient being she definitely was. She wanted to scream, she wanted to rage, she wanted to scratch the eyes out of the being in front of her and every other being as well. But she still couldn't move her muscles, couldn't even move a finger, couldn't even flinch away. The only exception being her eyes. It was disparaging and she was slowly drifting off into despair when the being continued to spin her around in her bindings and touched her with its bark like claws.

A sample of her hair was taken but she couldn't care less about her appearance right now. A small amount of blood was drawn without anything piercing her skin and her skin checked, what for, she didn't know. Her mouth was opened and the being inserted something she could not see into her throat. Her gag reflex was triggered but she did not have enough control to dislodge the thing, she could only wait for it to do whatever horrible intent it had been designed for and endure it, whatever it was. There was nothing she could do even if it were to rip her into pieces from the inside out.

Which seemed to be exactly what was happening to the man next to her. Something was effectively mincing him until there was nothing left but a blob of mush and blood. She watched horrified as one of the beings directed some kind of pipe at what remained from the man to be sucked away. Within seconds nothing was left of what had been a perfect human being. Just as quickly another man was dragged to the station and took up the new vacancy.

Her insides were churning, not only due to what had just happened before her but also because whatever the being hat stuffed into her was apparently wreaking havoc with her insides. She hoped that she wouldn't be torn up like the man, unable to do anything about it, unable to move at all, unable to scream yet perfectly able to feel the pain.

She could feel it moving around in her, an uncomfortable bulge. She imagined it traveling through her oesophagus and arriving in her stomach. She wished that it would dissolve in the acid but had no hope for it actually doing so. She imagined it travelling through her intestine and going through the many bends and folds. Before her imagination could bring up any more though, she felt the overwhelming urge to use the bathroom, she couldn't hold it in and felt humiliated even further when she felt something exiting her sphincter.

If she could have turned around she would have seen the little sphere that the being had forced down her throat moments before, now with a distinctive elliptical shape.

She felt herself being touched by a claw once more and a sharp burning pain was suddenly radiating through her from her shoulder blade. Not ripped open but like something had been inserted where there wasn't enough space for anything beneath her skin. Before the pain had receded it was overridden by another when something was punched through her ear. She could hardly register anything else that was going on for whatever had just been done to her had resulted in a blinding headache.

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