part 21

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The next few day went relatively well shuhua was rather stable till
Shuhua hear a door slap open she was terrified to see all her members at the her room door glaring deeply at shuhua
Unnie, anything wrong I didn't do anything I'm sorry
Yes u did everything wrong u been bringing nothing but hate and trouble to the group u need to leave
I'm sorry dun kick me out pls-soyeon
No shuhua u need to leave ur not one bit talented-minnie
Ye ur worthless and untalented we do not need u here-yuqi
Yes leave I dun care where u go but leave the dorm right now I have already pack ur clothes and put in at the front door leave-miyeon
Tears were already dripping down shuhua face but the members seem to be emotionless all u could see is hate on their face
Shuhua hopelessly ask jinjin u too hoping that she will help her but instead receive a cold response extremely diff from the usual sweet caring soojin
Eww, dun talk to me I done with u ur way too needy and clingy now leave
No no no I'm sorry I'm sorry pls dun kick me out I'm begging u
But was firmly ignore
Now out u go -soyeon

Shuhua woke up from her nightmare panting it felt so real shuhua tears nvr stop she began thinking if that what all members think of her and why they say was true she was untalented, needy and so on.
She quickly got out of soojin embrace afraid to wake her up and somehow gotten up to the roof of the dorm
before letting out her heartwenching cry that seem to never heard by anyone
She was so broken she thought
Maybe I'm better of dead , aleast this way i will no longer be a burden to any one.. Taking a step forward
Why am I so fat, untalented and worthless why I am even born mom dad I'm sorry u give birth so such a freak I love u taking another step forward nearing the edge she began to close her eyes taking a deep breathe about to take another step which will lead to her death and she would be free from the hate and world.
Shuhua, stop right there pls come back down
Emotionless she turn around tear all dry up I'm sorry I have to
No u do not come down and we can  talk about it ok
Ya shuhua, pls come down
However shuhua was firm about her choice hence she ignore them turning around just one step away of death
I'm sorry luckily while the members were distracting shuhua soojin has manage to climb to the roof hence she pull shuhua back in time  quickly carrying her down from the roof with the help of her members with some some difficulty as shuhua was struggling real bad to escape the hold of her members.
The members were all terrified of what they saw they were still in shock unable to process the situation they had nearly lose their maknae thank goodness soyeon who was a light sleeper hear her cry thinking it was a robber she quickly woke up the members only for them to realise shuhua was missing they quickly scramble to search for her following the cry only to be terrified and scared of the sight that was greeting them.
After ensuring shuhua, has calm down they then let her go she was looking completely drain and dead and this was when shuhua mental state was a lot worse than they thought they decided to leave the room giving shuhua space obvs soojin with her.
Soojin immediately reach for shuhua meds and make her to eat which was surprisingly not refuse she was too exhausted to argue. She then began to ask her why she did that which shuhua refuse to answer aleast not now soojin didn't want to push her to far hence she just tuck her to bed mumbling some song which quickly push her to bed .
After shuhua was put to sleep, soojin was finally able to take a breather the whole situation was terrified what if they were late shuhua would have been gone by now and the thought of losing shuhua was driving her crazy. As she thought about shuhua, soyeon knock on door
Soojin, how shuhua
She fine she sleeping
How bout are u
Idk I can't get over the fact that shuhua could have lost her live why didn't I realize she has left the room it was my job to ensure she safe but I fail soojin say at the edge of crying full of guilt
Hey dun blame urself shuhua would not want u to do that it not ur fault ok this incident has definitely affect the group deeply esp their second youngest she was completely terrified at the scene that she had difficulty breathing.
Hey soojin, I was thinking how would u feel if I were to admit shuhua back to the hospital shuhua need serious help
Soojin initial response was no because she know how much shuhua hated the hospital what worse if the members were the cause of why she had to be in one. However she couldn't deny that shuhua need proper treatment and care hence she reluctantly agree soyeon immediately arrange with their managers while soojin was dreading the next day not knowing to tell shuhua that she was gonna be admitted to the place she hated and dreaded the most. Very soon she doze off as exhaustion take over her this time holding shuhua tight  not wanting the same scenario to take place

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