.It's happening," said one Faye at thursday's official fairy assembly ahead of the weekend. .".Humans are beginning to become acquainted with us. We must prepare for the worst."."
".I agree," said the head of the Fairy Council, and nodded his head" ".But I also think it's worth showing at least trust at first for the girl who will come to save us."
".The pi who spoke at first looked up to the ceiling. "Of course you'll think so."
".We owe ancient humans a great debt."
.Said the head of the council harshly to the simple pye.
".That's why you're on the verge of being out of our Benard gathers."
Brand muttered to himself things he now dared not say out loud to the head of the assembly .and then breathed deeply and nodded.
"And now that we're back to ourselves," said the head of the council and turned to all the fairies again. "We must welcome Amelia."
Amelia in another world (שם זמני)
Paranormalטוב אז...החלטתי ללמוד לכתוב באנגלית בדרך מיוחדת, בדרך שאני אוהב. אתם לא חייבים לקרוא...אני סתם רוצה להשתפר באנגלית כדי שאולי יום בהיר אחד אני אוכל לקרוא את כל מה שלא תירגמו בפרסי ג'קסון (מי שלא יודע, לך להיות המום ולבכות בוויקפדיה.) בתקווה. אבל בעיק...