All We Have Is Each Other (3)

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Thankfully, instead of running away from me when I called out for them, the boys came back to help with the piles of dishes we were left with after dinner. While we were cleaning up, I put on some uplifting music, which just motivated the boys to work faster so they could relax in the pool.

Since there were eight of us working together, we finished in a few minutes, and as soon as I placed the last dish in the drying rack, the boys bolted out of the kitchen to head for the pool. Of course, they had no idea where it was, so after a few seconds, all seven of them awkwardly came walking back in, slight embarrassment tinting their faces.

With a smile, I shook my head and left the kitchen, leading the boys down the halls to the pool. They scurried after me, happily talking with each other until the pool finally entered our sights. Without hesitation, Jungkook, Jimin, and Taehyung stripped out of their clothes and jumped in, the others following quickly, except for Yoongi, who stood beside me unfazed by his members' actions.

"Jesus, guys! I had swim shorts you could've used," I groaned, covering my eyes and looking away with disgust.

"Where's the fun in that?" Seokjin laughed as he and Jungkook swam to the deeper end.

"Hyung! Come join us!" Taehyung said, splashing the water with his hands.

"Too much effort," Yoongi simply retorted and began to walk towards the sectional sofa in the corner. I thought to myself for a moment, and a devious smirk made its way onto my face as I lifted my arms and faced the pool, focusing on the water while I raised my arms, pulling a large strip of water from the pool, which quickly formed into a messy sphere floating in the air. I turned and directed the water over an unsuspecting Yoongi. Just before he reached the corner, I released my focus on the water and it instantly broke, soaking Yoongi completely.

"Holy shit!" Jungkook yelled in excitement, clapping his hands like a little child. I faced the other boys in the pool to do a couple of bows when Namjoon spoke up, pointing to Yoongi, who was frozen and probably trying to comprehend what had just happened.

"You might want to run," Namjoon warned, but just as I turned my head to look at Yoongi, he was standing right in front of me. Without hesitation, he dug his arms under me and lifted me, holding my body over the water, threatening to throw me in. I screamed and clung to his wet, white t-shirt, my eyes traveling down to see a faint outline of his abs.

"Yoongi, please don't! I'm sorry, I swear! Please-" I cried out helplessly, heat intensely rushing to my cheeks at the sight of his muscles through his soaked clothes.

"Cute, she's begging," Yoongi cooed mockingly, suddenly pretending to drop me in the water, but he caught me before I fell, making me scream and hold onto him even tighter.

"Fuck, Yoongi! Put me down!"

"Fine." Slowly, Yoongi set me down, giving me a false sense of safety, as immediately afterward, he grabbed my waist and jumped into the pool, dragging me along with him. I broke away from his grasp and surfaced up above the water, Yoongi following shortly after, not that I even cared as I began to attack him.

"You asshole!"

"Hey, don't curse!" Seokjin scolded.

"My island, my rules, sweetheart." I lifted my hand out from the water and flicked it upwards, causing a tentacle-like stream of water to spike up and strike Jin's bare back, shortly disappearing afterward. He yelped and rubbed the stricken area to soothe the sudden vicious contact, the rest of us laughing at his reaction.

"How the hell do you even do that?" Seokjin pouted, automatically drawing me closer to him to embrace him and apologize, making sure he wasn't hurt. He simply told me it was okay and patted my head.

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