Only You (22)

184 11 11

Rest easy, this chapter is cute, fluffy, and wholesome. 

Just take a moment to relax and enjoy Christmas with BTS!

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I watched the first flakes of snow sit gently on my window, making a wish even though I knew it wouldn't come true. A thin layer of frost covered all surfaces as far as my eyes could see. Jovial dragons danced in the sky above me, bright fire popping against the cool hues surrounding them. Serenity was now coming to me with ease, something I had longed for during my never-ending months of hopelessness.

"Wake up! I want my presents!" Hyunae yelled, excitedly pounding on the door in a rhythmic beat. I rolled my eyes and opened the door with an annoyed look as she stepped inside with Fawn and Levi. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas, Hyunae," I smiled, pinching the younger girl's cheeks.

"I burnt my hand trying to roast chestnuts," Fawn said.

"Of course you did," Levi muttered, walking over to hug me. "Merry Christmas, Prasanna." I attempted to pull away, but he tightened his grip around me, shaking his head slightly. "You're so warm, don't move." Groaning, my eyes wandered over to Hyunae, who I had just realized was wearing what looked like dozens of layers of clothing to keep herself warm.

"Hyunae, what are you wearing?" I questioned.

"I'm cold," Hyunae shrugged, looking down at her outfit. "I feel like a penguin with all of these layers. A very fat penguin."

"Then take it off, dummy," Fawn snickered, swiping her scarf away with one swift motion of her hand. "We have heating for a reason. Go change before you end up getting stuck under all of that for the next five weeks."

Hyunae sighed and waddled out of the room, earning a few giggles from Fawn and me both. Levi still kept hugging me, holding me tight enough that I wasn't even able to break free.

"Hey, are you standing on your toes, shorty?" I whispered to Levi. He scoffed and fell back onto my bed, pulling me down with him. Eventually, I was able to wriggle out of his grasp, still laughing at his antics. I hit him on his shoulder before excusing myself to the bathroom to change and put the finishing touches on my makeup. I nibbled on my lower lip, taking in the sight of myself with my new long hairstyle, grown during my months of recovery.

When I exited, the two had already left, presumably downstairs at the entrance, where we agreed to meet. After taking a moment to breathe and ready myself, I departed to the front foyer, where everyone was standing around, chatting away until I made my appearance. Yoongi met me halfway, taking my hand in his as awe transformed his face.

"How do you always look so captivating?" Yoongi said in a low voice, leaning down towards my ear, the proximity between us closing with each second.

"Why are you so annoying?"

"Come on, baby girl. It's Christmas!" He suddenly squealed in a canorous tone and everyone at the bottom of the stairs glared at him with shock. I snorted and made my way down to the others with Yoongi's hand in mine.

"Give me cake or give me death," Seokjin demanded, contradicting his statement by pouting cutely.

"Quit whining and help me decorate the Christmas tree," I quipped, waving my hand dismissively. We gathered in the main living room, where the festive pine tree stood proudly, lights strung around it and twinkling, but the branches were still bare. Hyunae immediately dived into the box beside the tree for her favorite ornament: a foam cupcake with a load of glitter and pink frosting.

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