The Truth Untold (17)

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This chapter can be anxiety-inducing for some people, as it describes emotional trauma, vomiting, and hallucinations, as well as nightmares about being tortured and assaulted. However, the nightmare involving the assault is VERY brief.

Still, for the reader's sake, I have added indicators of when this scene comes in, as well as when it ends, so it can be skipped safely.

Please exercise caution moving forward, especially if you are sensitive to these subjects.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

I fluttered my eyes open to the sight of my bedroom back home. The lights shut off and the sun rising high, its rays shone through the glass of the windows. Looking around, I saw my balcony doors slightly open, the cool, brisk air seeping in. I tried to move, but immediately regretted my decision, wincing loudly as pain shot through my sore body. I heard a groan from beside me.

My eyes wandered over to Yoongi, who was sitting next to the bed on a chair, sleeping on my legs as his hands held mine tightly. He sat up, blinking his eyes open, then gasped when he saw me wide and awake. I stared at him in confusion, only for him to lean forward and press his lips against mine, his hands wandering up to gently grasp my face.

The kiss lingered on for what felt like an eternity when he finally pulled away, resting his forehead against mine. It was only until then that I realized he was crying.

"I thought I lost you," Yoongi whispered, kissing me again. "I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry for what I said. I'm sorry for everything. I should've known something was wrong. I should have been there sooner. I didn't mean for you to get hurt. I didn't want this to happen. I'm-"

Yoongi broke down before he could finish his sentence. I felt my own eyes tearing up, seeing him in such a devastating state. I let out a shaky breath and cupped his face with my hands, our lips ghosting over each other.

"Stop it. Stop crying. You're going to make me cry, Yoongi - goddamn it," I sniffled, wiping his tears from his cheeks. My voice was quiet and scratched, like a broken record.

"I'm so sorry. I let you down. I said something I can never take back. But please believe me when I say you are my entire world. I never want to leave you. I've always loved you, and I will love you until the end of time. If I could give you the world, I would. You are everything I've ever wanted and more. You are my heart, my soul, my breath. You are the love of my life."

"Yoongi, stop." Yoongi stopped in his spiraling apologies and let me speak, never once breaking his gaze away from me. "I'm sorry too. We were both wrong that night, but it doesn't matter anymore. I just- I'm just glad to be with you again. And I'm sorry."

He just let out a laugh, almost of disbelief that we were focusing so long in the past, but a smile followed nevertheless. "It's okay. I-I've never loved like this before in all my life, but I know that I'll never love anyone more than I love you. I couldn't imagine what life would be like without you." 

Yoongi cradled my head in his hands, letting me ease against them as he returned to kiss me, all of his guilt shown through the way his lips moved against mine. I pressed my hand against his chest, pushing him back slightly to break the kiss. Seeing him in such a state of worry twisted my gut. 

"I'm going to call the boys now, okay?"

I nodded and he picked up his phone, calling one of the other members. From the other side, I heard screaming and shouting, and I couldn't help but laugh quietly as Yoongi rolled his eyes when they dropped the call without letting him finish speaking.

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