This Love (10)

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When I awoke, I was alone. Nothing but acres of trees and a cold, harsh wind surrounding me. I rose to my feet, my legs weak and shaking. The lunar light shone down upon me, the stars above disappearing slowly as the world got darker by the minute. The darkness enclosed me, trapping me within myself.

I fell to my knees and covered my ears as screams of terror echoed in my head. My eyes shut tightly as I begged for mercy. Even when I tried to speak, no sound came out, my screams and pleas unheard. The overwhelming cries from unknown sources tore through my soul, bringing me down into the depths of hell itself. I felt the world spinning around me when I had just grounded myself, my heart still palpitating.

The screams went on for what felt like hours when they suddenly came to a stop, only silence resonating in my head. Not knowing what I was going to see, I hesitantly opened my eyes and looked up to see Samantha standing above me, peering down at my pathetic form.

"Sam?" I said grimly, breathing hard through my flared nostrils. I wasn't sure if anything that was happening was real, but when Samantha opened her mouth, the answer was laid bare before me.

A bone-chilling shriek escaped from her mouth, her veins popping out as her eyes rolled back into her head. Her body levitated off the ground, the skin on her body slowly melting as the sun rose from behind her, blazing like embers. Left speechless at the sight in front of me, her haunting voice returned and replayed in my head.

"Ziry issa mēre."

("He's the one.")

"Zirȳla sēnas."

("Kill him.")

"Ziry issa se qrinuntys."

("He is the enemy.")

"Zirȳla pāsagon daor."

("Do not trust him.")

"Maya! Wake up!"

A familiar warm voice brought me back to reality as I jolted awake, relieved to see the familiar setting of my bedroom back home. My heart was beating so quickly in my chest, I couldn't hear anything else. As I tried to regulate my breathing, a pale hand came into my view and grabbed mine. I snapped my head toward the person beside me, further relieved to see Yoongi with worried eyes.

"Sam-" I gasped, rushing to grab my phone. The anticipation built up in my body as the dial tone ran and rang until she finally picked up. "Sam! Are you okay? Are you safe?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be? What's going on?" Sam said on the other line, obviously confused. "Are you alright? Did something happen? Should I come to your room-"

"No! No, I'm fine. I'll explain to you later. I'm just glad you're okay."

"Wait-" I hung up on her before she could finish her sentence.

"Hey, what's going on?" Yoongi asked, impatiently waiting for an answer. "Jagiya?"

"God, I'm sorry," I apologized, hiding my face in my palms, wiping away a few budding tears while I pulled myself together.

"You scared me. You kept screaming things in your sleep."

"What was I saying?"

"I-I don't even know," Yoongi mumbled, lowering his head. I sighed, pressing my palms against my forehead, frustrated with myself for making Yoongi worry. Though, I guess I couldn't help having that dream... or rather, a nightmare. "Hey." Yoongi gently grabbed my hands and pulled them closer to his body, forcing me to look up at him. "You're going to be okay. It's just a dream."

"I know." I nodded, trying to forget everything I had just seen, but a glint of doubt forced its way into my system. "But-"

"Nothing is going to happen, Maya. Trust me." I looked up and connected my gaze with his. Nodding again, I took a deep breath and laid down, turning my back to Yoongi.

Éternel: Wings of Fire (#1) (BTS Dragon!AU)Where stories live. Discover now