Hold Me Tight (8)

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Yoongi and I stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity. I could see wind-stirred waves in his eyes. If one were brave enough to enter their depths, all else would blur, and you'd fall so deep in love that you'd choose to stay there, no matter what. And through his eyes, I could also see his pain, how every emotion came together to form the art of his soul.

"Maya?" Jungkook suddenly spoke up as he yawned and looked up at me with tired eyes. I sat up slightly as Yoongi reeled back, focusing my attention on the younger boy in my arms.

"Hey, Jeon. Did you sleep okay?" I asked, sweeping his bangs away from his face.

"Yeah, I did. Thanks," He smiled, shifting to hug me gently. Even with his face hidden, I could see his anxiety-ridden expression.

"Do you want me to talk about something to calm you down a bit?"

"Huh? Oh, it's okay." Clearly, he was distracted, as proven by his response, so I raised an eyebrow in question, pushing him to his defeat. "Okay, okay. What are you going to talk about?"

"Anything you want."

"Do you have any tales about dragons? Like, cultural legends?"

"Of course."

"Oh, hyung, I didn't realize you were awake," Jungkook said, cocking his head.

"Yeah, I'm here," Yoongi muttered grumpily, leaning back on the couch.

"Is he okay?" Jungkook asked, looking back at me.

"Yeah, he's just a little shaken up."

"Oh. Can I hear the story now?"

I nodded slightly as I played with the young boy's locks, twirling the strands around my fingers, which I knew he enjoyed. He practically melted against me and moved gently to get into a more comfortable position for both of us.

"Once there was a world without time. The world was nothing but white light, inhabited only by people and five dragons. In that world, there was only eternity, and a sun that burned without beginning or end. And because there was only timeless eternity, nothing was ever lost... yet nothing was ever gained. One day, the people began to wonder why their world had no beginning or end, so they asked the dragons," I said, keeping my eyes locked onto Jungkook, who was vividly interested in the story.

"What did they say?" Jungkook asked, eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"The dragons opened their mouths as if to answer, but from their mouths poured water instead of words. It rushed out in streams to create the sky and the oceans, and the dragons swam away. The dragons swam to the center of the ocean, and there they began to transform into an island. One dragon sank into the sea and became the land. One dragon lifted its gaze to the sky and became the mountains. One dragon stooped low and became the lakes and scattered its scales to create the rain. One dragon fell into a deep slumber and became the forests. The last dragon climbed far into the sky to become a star of sapphire."

Through his eyes, I could see Jungkook becoming so invested in every word I spoke, every thought that ran through his mind from the tales of a past long gone. A world, so terrifying, yet so beautiful at the same time.

"The energy from the dragons' transformations also created a goddess of life, who watched over the island. The people could not understand why the dragons had left, or why they transformed. Eventually, a lone youth decided to go to the island to seek the answers from the dragons themselves. He donned a simple cloak, climbed into a small boat, and cast off alone into the murky seas. At last, guided by the light of a sapphire star, he reached the Island of the Five. Some time passed, and the youth returned. The people asked if he spoke with the dragons, and he replied a simple 'yes.' When they asked why the island was created, the youth did not answer. Instead, he reached into his cloak and pulled out five dragon scales, which he gave to the people. And then, before anyone realized, the youth disappeared."

Éternel: Wings of Fire (#1) (BTS Dragon!AU)Where stories live. Discover now