A rubber band lying on the table is doing nothing.
A rubber band under tension is doing its job.
Whether you're using the rubber band to launch at a friend for fun, to hold your hair up, or organize cords...they only work under tension. You could say that without stress, they're useless.
Think about that this week when you are under stress, when you face things that make you tense. What job is God needing you to do? Try to see the big picture of what you could learn, how you can grow or help someone.
Try to let God use the stress to launch you somewhere, give the stress a purpose.
Maybe the office you work at is quite busy this holiday season, and it's stressful. In spite of feeling overwhelmed by deadlines, sing His praises. Purposefully focus on His love and joy. Your coworkers might think you're crazy but they might need it! It'll change your whole mood that day, and the environment you're in.
Maybe you have final exams, or you don't know how you're going to make ends meet this month and rent is due. Incredibly stressful. Use this as a season to grow faith in God, to place that faith in Him. Trust that no matter what, He has put you in this season for a purpose. Prepare for launch!
Have a good week guys!
Don't worry about things you cannot control, just trust what He's doing and try to enjoy the journey!
Volume 2
Spiritual*completed* Here we go with round 2...me writing down my personal revelations and "aha!" moments to help encourage and hopefully help or uplift you. All comments, questions, prayer requests, topic suggestions, and constructive criticism are welcome!