Chapter one: fired

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Kageyama woke up annoyed at the sound of his alarm clock, waking him up. The current time was 7 am and he has work at 8 am. So he has at least an hour to get ready for work.

raising both his arms in a vertical way and bent his left hand to cover his eyes. The other hand now resting on his side.

He stayed in bed for a minute more, stretching. He stood up and walked towards his closet.

Choosing a black turtle neck, a grey coat to go over it and skinny jeans and sneakers. Before entering the bathroom, he searched for his glasses, specifically for blue light. A golden outline pairing with circular frames.

5 minutes passed and he got the bath prepared. Going inside the bathroom spending about 10-15 minutes bathing. Baths was enjoyable for kageyama, in his opinion.

exiting the bathroom, got dressed, wore the glasses and took his bag then headed out. Walking across the already busy street. His work place was nearby so there wasn't a hassle getting there. Calling for a taxi, few moments after. "Please take me to xxxx company", said tobio, the driver nodded and went on with driving.




Arriving at the front, he opened the taxi door paid then left for work. Muttering a small good morning to the security guard whom was on stand by. He opened his bag and took out a work ID to show.

On the way to his work station was quite the workout. You have to climb 4 flights of stairs to finally reach destination.
Meeting the first flight of stairs began his climbing.




A few pants accompanied by heavy breaths later, he reached his office.

He sat on his chair, and turned the computer on. He stood up again and walked to the files cabinet. He couldn't find a file that included a check for funds that he was supposed to hand to the manager. He checked again, yet he couldn't find it. He looked at every other file cabinet and everywhere his work desk, and it was still missing. He was slowly turning pale, the check was for a fund needed in the project. Not to mention that the project he was working on with some others was a complete requirement.

He went out of his office to which he reluctantly and awkwardly asked if they have seen a medium-sized envelope. All of them denied seeing the envelope he was looking for. Now desperate to find it a thought came to his mind.

; what if someone took it..?

The thought was disturbed when the manager called for him. He rarely talked to co-workers, the only time he talked to them was when they had something work-related to take care of. He stood in front of the manager, asking "what is it?". Him being called was questionable at best since the manager always hated him. He didn't know what he did wrong, he just applied for this job because he was in need of one. Providing for himself was really a struggle.

His parents left him with his grandparents to travel the world. Its been what, 11 years, since they left him. In fact they don't even have the right to be called parents. Leaving their children and never coming back is ignoring the responsibility of being a parent.

When he was at the age of 10 he was left with his grandparents. His parents promised him they would come back for him. He waited and waited and its been 2 years then. He asked to buy something in the store near the house. He came back with a paper bag filled mid-way with hot meat buns. Only to see his grandfather lying on the ground, pale. Going in to action he immediately called 911. Then called for his grandmother who was sleeping troubled. Then just like that he lost his grandfather.

And how do you describe it... everything came rolling down at inhuman speed. He snapped out of his flashback when his manager informed him saying; " the boss requests you to come to his office ". His skin now fully pale, lighter than his usual pale complexion. He got himself together and shakily walked pass the smirking man. He looked back without turning his upper body, looking at the manager. "He's suspicious..." he quietly muttered.

Continuing his walk to his boss's office, he thought of why he was being requested. A guess after another, he soon realises that he in front of the door. He gently knocks on the door, and waits for a reply.

"Come in, come in"

With that kageyama enters the office.

"So Kageyama I have very bad news for you"

Kageyama's eyes widening was gone unnoticed as he nervously gulped.

"I have reports from the manager from the projects saying that you haven't contributed. " he says. A small, quiet gasp left his mouth. It wasn't heard, but he was taken aback with the news.

"And I can't help but be alarmed by one oh his reports. This certain report claims that you've taken the check that was for the funding of the project they were working on. "

" So, is it true? " he demandingly questions.

I couldn't speak. I was...shocked. Eventually I followed up stuttering.

"I-it's not true! I came to work today, looking for the file and it was m-missing!"

He looked at me, glaring with prejudice as if he I was really the culprit.

"Well the manager said was different, he even checked the cameras". "He reported that he saw you taking the file away". He turned his laptop to my way to show a clip of me taking the file. "Mind explaining?"

I stared at the laptop, "unbelievable" I thought.

"I-it was the time I t-took it for editing! I-I promise I took it back, I was looking for it before  I was called!"

"Kageyama, look" he sighs

"Just admit that you took it, I'm pretty sure you can do that or if you don't...I'm afraid I'll have to fire you"

"I DIDN'T TAKE IT!" He exclaimed.

"I don't care if I get fired, cause I'm not going to let myself be wrongly accused." He thought, and surely was determined to do so.

"Kageyama you leave me with no choice but to fire you" as the man takes out a slip

"NO, IT WASN'T-" before Kageyama had the chance to complete his sentence his boss gave him a slip. The slip is exactly what he didn't want to see.

"I'm sorry Kageyama but you left me with no choice. I'm not going to keep a liar in my company" the man states clearly. "Now get out of my office"

I scoffed. "Gladly", my pettiness took over me as I looked down to look at the slip sourly. I opened the door and shut it and I just stormed off.

Word count: 1160 words (a/n not included)

a/n: uhh might delete cause this is my first fic and cause why not- chile anyways if you have any criticism feel free to comment it.

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