Mission 1

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Summer .
"Come on sky we need to get home so i can study. " i said as i was walking towards the house.
My name is summer i have a twin her name is sky im older by 5 minutes im really quite i have long hair and brown skin we stay in bridgeport connecticut we are 10 years old.
"Don't yell at me you not momma or daddy so chill." She said which irritated me.
As we were walking in the house my mother & father looked worried , they sat us down and took a deep breath and began talking .
"Summer & Sky we love you so much and we never wanted this to happen but ... We can't prevent it much longer. " our father said to us.
We both looked at each other in confusion.
"What do you mean daddy ? Whats going on ?" We both said in unison. Just then our mother stared crying.
"Dad whats going on !?" I yelled causing Sky to jump. He handed me a piece of paper and kissed us both. I grew livid and walked to the kitchen and sat at the table and Sky followed. Our house isnt the biggest thing in the world but it comfortable to us. Bang ! Bang ! Bang !
Me and Sky jumpped and looked up to my mother and father who now had a gun in their hand.
"Run ! Run now ! " my father yelled at us starting to shoot. Soon after i seen 6 red stains in the back of his shirt. Not to long did my mother start to shoot. As i seen my father turn around and look at us and drop to the floor. My mother then had 6 red stains on the back of her shirt and one in her head causing her to fall back instantly hitting the floor.
I sat there still, frozen not doing anything but look straight ahead as a man came and sat in front of me and one beside me holding the gun to my head ready to fire.
"What are you doing ? " the man said to the other.
"Plan was for everyone to be dead ." He said pushing the gun closer to my head.
"They are both children they don't understand whats going on , put the fucking gun down idiot." He said and the man did what he was told and smacked his lips.
"Search the house for the chip." He said looking straight into my eyes . The other man walked away .
"Little girls how old are you? " the man asked
We both said nothing . He let out a sigh.
"Well mommy and daddy owe me something a chip to be exact, do you know what that is ? " i nodded .
"Can you show or tell me where it is? " he asked smiling.
I stood up getting closer to his ear and said , " Burning in hell along with you." I whispered grabbing the knife from under the table where my father always kept it and stabbing him in his hand and Sky cutting him on the side of his face with the other knife.
"Aaaah fuck ! " he yelled . We then took off to the bathroom me opening the window us jumping out sliding down the roof and jumpping down to the ground . We then took off full speed down the road with them not to far behind. We jumped fenses and gates and then we lost them out of breath we started walking , we walked for 5 minutes until we seen a dirt bike coming down the street turning around to run a black car was coming up to . Sky ran and slid in the sewer me following after and falling on my back in a lot of sewer water. Struggling to swim up I finally did and we sat on the side hearing guns being released. We caught our breath walking . The walk was silent , all you could hear was us breathing and water flowing . After hours of walking we found the destination . I turned and looked at Sky that had nothing but a blank facial expression
"Be careful while getting out there is cars coming each and every way ." I said , she nodded. I climbed up moving the heavy circle . Shocked to see the sun was still out and no cars i got out and helped Sky out. We walked to this all white building and sat down infront of the man. He looked at us confused and asked what we needed I then stuck my finger down my throat and threw up on his desk and searched threw it handing him the chip . He looked disgusted took a piece of tissue and and grabbed it & put it in the computer his eyes widened and looked at us.
"Do you know what this is?" He asked . Me and sky looked at each other and turned back to the man and said, "Our passport."
How was the first chapter?!!!
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