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Auden's POV

Ben and I got to the house Viper and Sofia stayed in the car. "Ben please be careful on the road when you go to Sofia's today." Clark said.

"What happened?" Ben asked.

"There were car accidents and some teachers were killed and injured." Clark said. Well damn.

"Well Viper and Sofia are in the car right now do you just want us to stay here?" Ben asked. What about Brie?

"Yeah it would help your mother out too." Clark said.

"Ok." Ben said. Ben went back to his car and I felt my phone buzz.

Brie texted: Hey are you at school?

I reply with: No but do you want me to walk with you?

I might either way.

Brie replies: Yeah are you far from school?

I reply with: no not really I'll meet you at the park?

Brie replies: Sure I'll meet you there.

I put my phone away. "I'll be back." I told Clark and he nodded. I started walking to the park. Viper tried to follow me but I told her that I was going somewhere personal and she left me alone.

15 minutes pass and I'm at the park. "Hey Auden." I heard Anthony say.

I turned around. "Hey." I said.

"Why weren't you in gym class again?" He asked.

"Just a bad day that's it, I just didn't want to go anywhere in the school so I left." I said.

"Oh ok... did you hear what happened?" He asked.

"Yeah was there any teachers that you know?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yeah our gym teacher is the basketball coach and yeah." He said a bit down.

"Sorry about that. I don't really know how that feels, never really connected with my teachers." I said. He just nods and looks over my shoulder.

"By any chance are you dating Brie?" He asked kinda out of the blue.

"Yeah." I said. Then looked behind to see who he was looking at. A Brie on her phone waiting.

"I'll leave you two be." He said and I waved my hand bye to go to Brie.

She perked her head up and saw me. She ran up to me and hugged me. "Can we go home now? It's just I have a weird feeling while I'm walking alone and I don't know why." Brie said.

"Sure let's go." I said. She's having that feeling. I know exactly what she's talking about. While walking back in silence someone is following us.

"Hey do you have Ben's number?" I asked.

"Yeah why?" She asked. I looked around and I don't see anyone.

"Because now I'm getting that weird feeling, call Ben to tell him that we will be there in 5 minutes, if it takes more than that come and look for Auden and I." I said. She calls Ben. She looks scared. We walk to the house while she's calling him.

"Hey Ben Auden and I will be at the house in 5 minutes if it takes longer than that then something happened." Brie said. I know this is gonna worry Ben but I warned him about Julian.

Brie hangs up the phone. "Why did you want me to call Ben?" She asked.

"For just in case." I said.

"Ok what's the weird feeling you getting?" She asked.

"I feel like someone's following us... but you know no matter what I will protect you." I said.

"I know just let's get to the house soon as possible." She said.

"Yeah." I said.


We walk into the house with Sofia trying to calm down Ben. "Hey we're here." Brie said. Ben walked up to Brie and hugged her.

"You doing ok?" Ben asked.

"Yeah just Auden and I had a weird feeling while walking and Auden told me to call you." Brie said and Ben let her go.

"Auden you made Brie call me over a weird feeling?" Ben asked and I looked at him seriously.

"Yes I did because I've had that's same feeling with my friends 3 years ago." I said and Brie looked at me weirdly. Ben just nods. Sofia walks up to Brie.

"Hey there Brie miss me?" Sofia said.

Brie gave Sofia a hug. "Of course I did how are you doing?" Brie asked.

"I'm doing great. How about you?" Sofia asked. Ok I think it's about time to take a shower. 1 I'll be alone and 2 it's just relaxing. So I grabbed a towel from Brie's room of course I don't have any clothes. Maybe Ben might have something for me.

I walk up to Ben. "Hey got any clothes I could use?" I asked.

"Yeah." Ben said and went into his room.


After once I took the shower and changed I just went into Brie's room everyone's in the living room. That just means more time to myself.

Why didn't you just kill them?

Because unlike you I don't enjoy the aftermath so just leave me alone.

Auden Auden Auden, do you really think it was scary killing that child? I know you were having fun.

I told you to shut up. I just want Brie.

I heard a knock at the door. I just stayed silent laying down on the bed. I heard the door open and close. I'm guessing it's Brie. "Hey Auden?" Viper asked. Wait why the fuck is she in here.

I stay silent you better not touch me unless if your hurting me.

"You know if I tell Ben it will just make him understand more of why your like this way. Believe me I had the same issue before I met these good people." Viper said.

"Leave." I said on accident.

I heard the door open and close again. I don't want her to just come in here and tell me how Ben will react.

I heard the door open and close again. No knock this must be Brie. I feel her on the bed. I look at her first to make sure that it's her. Which it is Brie.

"Hey doing any better?" Brie asked.

"Maybe a little." I said.

"I got a question you don't have to answer it." She said. I looked at her to show her that she has my attention. "Why are you having a crappy day?" She asked.

"I don't know. I probably just woke up wrong." I said. Not wanting to tell her the truth.

"That might be it but you can tell me when your ready." She said and snuggled into my chest.

A couple minutes pass. "Hey Brie?" I asked. She moved her head to look at me. "... why do you care? Like why do you care about how I'm doing?" I asked.

"Why do I care about you?" She asked and got up staring at her wall. "Because I like you Auden. That's enough reason for me." She said then looked at me and smiled.

"Sorry about worrying you." I said.

"Don't worry about that I'm fine as long as I get to be near you." She said.

Old friend (Before, Beyond Life Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now